Worst first day of school

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I was so mad at him. I walked around the school and finally found Laura at her locker.

"Hey Laura ," I said really happy to see her.

"Becky!," Said Laura while hugging me.

"Hey what classes do we have together," I asked her

"I'm not sure let me see." Laura said while I handed her my classes

"We have study hall period 3, Lunch 4th, and gym period 9!," Laura said

"Cool at least we have some classes together, anyway I have to go, but I need to talk to you during study Hall," I said walking off

"Ok bye Becky"

I started to walk to my class when someone tripped me. Then I looked up and saw Austin and his friends.

"Hey Freak wanna come over after detention?" Austin said

I just got up and walked away, but before I could get far I felt someone grab my hand.

"Austin let go!," I said without turning around

"Guess again Loser," Said Camila

"What," I said while whimpering because her grip was really tight

"I see you talking to Austin, He's mine you well never and I mean never have him. GOT IT!" She said

"Why would I want him, He's a jerk, Rude, and asshole and i can keep going if you want," I said

"HEY you never talk about my Austy like that! Take it back!,"

"I will not because it's true,"

"I said take it back!," She said while slapping me across the face

I stumbled backwards and hit my head in the lockers. Then came over Austin and the rest of them laughing

"Hey guy's look Becky tripped and fell into the lockers! Cluz" Camila said

"W-What you pushed me I didn't trip" I said

"Yea right, bye Loser," She said while walking away with everyone else."

I tried to get up but my head hurt so much, but I didn't want to be late so I did my best and walked into class really hoping Austin and his friends weren't in this class.

I got up and headed to class. Once I got there I saw Austin and his friends. Great this is going to be the worse class ever. I walked by having my head down. When suddenly a foot tripped me, It was Camila . Everyone started to laugh at me. This is such a bad day already and I'm only in 2nd period.

9th Period

finally it's the last period of the day. Today has been horrible. Austin is in EVERY SINGLE one of my classes! Even this one! The good thing though is that Laura is in this class.

"Hey Laura " I said to her

"Hey Becky , How was the rest of the day?", She asked me

"Do you even need to ask?" I said

"Yea sorry" Laura said

"It's fine I'm used to it,"

"Ok everyone get up on the bleachers were gonna have a talk," Said Coach Carr

Everyone got up on the bleachers and Coach Carr started to speak

"Don't have sex! Because you will get pregnant and die. Don't have sex in he missionary possession, don't have sex standing up. Just don't do it Promise? Alright, now everyone take some rubbers!," Coach Carr said

On and off bullying (Becstin) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن