This means war -Camila

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I wake up and drove to school. When I got there, everyone had Newspapers again. Oh great this can't be good. Then Camila comes over with newspapers.

"Austin, how could you just let her you like that!" She said

"I didn't," I said

"Then why let her!"

"I pushed her off right after she kissed me. She's just some desperate wanna be!" I said

Becky's POV.

I walked into the School and when I did everyone got quiet and looked at me. Then they started coughing "Slut" and "Whore" and other things like that. Why is it worse today I groaned. I got to my locker and Laura showed up.

"Becky this is bad, really bad!" Laura said in a worried tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"This!" She said while shoving a newspaper in my face.

"WHAT!" I said

"Yeah and read the caption!" She said

"Becky the slut sticks again. She kissed him, because she is just so desperate that she had to kiss him again." I read "What am I going to do?"

"I don't know, but listen I think I hear something."

"Austin how could you just let her kiss you like that!" Camila said

"I didn't" Austin said

"Then why let her?"

"I pushed her off right after she kissed me. She's just some desperate wanna be." Austin said

"That liar! He kissed me!" I said

"Well when you see her can you tell her I want to see her!" Camila said to Austin

"Sure thing" Austin said while they walked off somewhere.

"Ok Laura , this is really, really bad. She's going to kill me!" I said to Laura

"She's not gonna kill you, but I will be there for you," Laura said


The warning bell went off. So me and Laura went our separate ways. I got into class and sat down. Then Austin came in and just ignored me. Why isn't he going to tell me that Camila's looking for me? Well nothing really happened this period. Then the bell rang. I got out of the classroom and started to walk to my next class when I felt someone grab my wrist. They dragged me into the bathroom. I turned around to see Camila and right when I turned around she slaps me really hard across the face. Then I fell backwards and hit my head on the wall.

"You fucken whore! NEVER. KISS. MY. BOYFRIEND. AGAIN!" Camila said while slapping me across the face with each word. I then started to cry.

"I'm not the one who kissed him in the first place!" I said, but that just earned me a punch in my stomach.

"What the hell, we went over this already! There are pictures of you kissing him." Camila said

"He's the one that kissed me!" I said, but she punched me in the face making my head slam against the wall really hard. I fell to the ground.

"Don't lie to me! Stay away from my Boyfriend! Oh and if you tell anyone about this I will kill you!" She said while kicking me in the stomach and left.

I just stayed there and cried a while. Then I got up a cleaned my self up and went to the back of the school and cried some more.


I was sitting in English 2nd period waiting for everyone to come in. Then the bell rang, and Camila and Becky weren't here yet. Then after a few minutes Camila walked in.

"Hey Austy," She said with a weird smile on.

"Hey where we're you? And did you see Becky yet?" I asked

"Oh just wondering around, and no I haven't seen her." Camila said

"Oh ok" I said, that's weird.


Ok I think something's wrong. Becky hasn't been in any of her classes. This isn't like her. She wouldn't skip class. I'm gonna look for her after this period.


I was walking around when I saw her friend Laura

"Hey Laura , have you seen Becky?" I asked her.

"No, I haven't why?" Laura asked

"because she hasn't been in any of her classes and this isn't like her."

"Not sure why or where she would have gone, but by the way I know that you are the one that kissed her! Do you know how much pain she was in?"

"No, but I think somethings wrong, I'm gonna go find her." I said while running off and leaving a dumfounded Laura behind.

I looked around the school, then I had an idea where she would be. I snuck out to the back of the school. I was right there was Becky hugging her knee's crying.

"Becky what the fuck happened?" I asked her while sitting down next to her I saw that her head was still bleeding and she had bruises on her arms.

"Nothing, now leave before you make it worse!" She said without picking up her head.

"What happened and why are you skipping?" I asked

"I can't tell you!" She said

"Look at me!" I said while lifting her head, but she looked away from me.

"Who did this to you?" I asked while looking her eyes, but she looked away.

"I'm not allowed to tell you." She said.

"Why not?" I asked

"because that person said that if I go near you or tell anyone that they will kill me!" Becky said while starting to cry.

"Please tell me I want to help, And I won't tell anyone I promise." I said

"Why do you want to help me? All you ever do is bully me"

"Can you just tell me who did this or what happened."

Becky's POV.

"Fine, I was walking to second period when someone grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom. She started to hit me and ask me questions. So I answered her and she just hit me more. When she hit me I fell into the wall hard. Then when she was leaving she kicked me in the stomach and said " Listen her slut! If I see you near Austin again I will kill you!" Like she had no right calling me a slut when you were my first kiss and she's the one that's cheating on you with like every guy in this school!" I blew up without realising what I said and put my hand over my mouth.

"Wait, Camila's the one who did this? And why would you even say that she cheats on me! You have no right to be going around and saying that!" Austin said.

"Yeah Camila did this and she IS cheating on you!"

"Ok I believe that Camila did this, but you have no proof that she's cheating on me! So stay out of my love life!"

"Please, don't tell anyone I told you!"

"Whatever," He said while walking away. Why is he being such a jerk? If he tells Camila then I'm gonna get killed!

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