So let the Becstin match making began -Riker

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Chapter 18

We were waiting on line, when Becky started to scream my name.

"Becky! I'm right here!" I said

Then she feel and started to scream again.

"Becky! Are you alright?!" I asked her and picked her up off the ground. Then it seemed like she went out of a trance or something.

"Oh my god! Austin your ok!" Becky cried while hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?" I said, while she pulled away but still had her arms around me.

"I thought I really lost you?" She said still crying.

"Why would you think that?" I asked

"I-I guess I was 'day dreaming' or maybe because of my fear of heights or s-something? We w-were on the ride and got stuck a-at the top and then the ride started to fall apart. Then the ride started to go really fast and you fell off. Then I looked down and saw Camila standing at the bottom of the ride just laughing at me. then I fell off the ride. She caused the whole thing!" Becky cried even harder. "I thought I lost you" She whispered.

"Hey, look at me!" I said lifting her head and moving her hair out of her face." I'm right here. I'm ok, just a bad dream and wont ever happen."

"Can we pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeee! Not go on this!" She said still crying.

"Sure, we can just go wait or do something else while they go on. Alright?" I said.

She nodded so I told everyone we will be waiting outside for them. So we got over and sat on a bench.

"Thank you Austin." Becky said while hugging me.

"For what?" I asked.

"For just being here right now." She said while pulling away and searched her eyes. She still seemed really shaken up, but also feels safe.

"I will always be here. I know I haven't been here in the past, but I'm here now and I always will be." I said looking dead in her eyes.

"Thanks!" She said then she did something that surprised me. She kissed me. I was shocked at first, but then I warmed up into it and kissed her back. Then we pulled away after a while.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I don't know?" She said sheepishly. "But you can't say you don't like it!" She said smiling taking my words I used on her the last time I kissed her.

"Oh, so you're using my words now are you Gomez?" I said flirting with her.

"Maybe I am Mahone!" She said flirting back.

"Nope!" Then I leaned in and we started kissing again. Well making out. Intill we heard someone clear there thought saying, "Having fun you two?" Then Becky pushed me away and made me fall off the bench.

"Oww!" I said

"Sorry!" Becky said. Then we looked up to see who cleared there thought. It was Riker, and everyone else was with him. I looked over to find Becky blushing. I got up and sat back on the bench.

"How long have you guys been standing there for?" I asked.

"Long enough to see you guys making out for like 5 minutes." Rydel said.

"We weren't making out!" I lied.

"Sure you weren't! Any way what's going on? You guys finally admit you both like each other yet and are going out?" Rydel asked.

"We don't like each other and were not going out!" Me and Becky both said.

"Um... then why were you making out?"

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