The song

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Chapter 28
(A/N,Well hope you like this chapter! Ps austin can write songs in real life just in this chapter)


Once I got home I slammed my door and started to run up the stairs.

"Austin come here," My mom yelled to me.

"UGH!" I gowned and went downstairs.

"What's wrong?" My Mom asked once I came downstairs and into the room.

"What's not wrong!" I snapped.

"Austin calm down, breath like we thought you too." My Mom said, than I breathed how they thought me too and calmed down.

"Now what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine, just stuff, now what did you want?" I asked more calm.

"Well Frank and Becky are coming over."

"Not trying to be rude, but why?"

"Well Frank wants to get better, since of what happened."

"Is that even possible? He hits her once, don't you think he's going to do it again?" I asked

"That's why we are to help him. He is insanely sorry for what he did and doesn't want to lose Becky just like he lost his wife and son."

"So when are they coming over?" I asked.

"Right now," My mom said, than there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I told my mom, than opened the door.

"He-"I was saying when Emily pushed me out of the way.

"Princess Becky!" Emily screamed and went and hugged Becky's legs. Then Becky picked her up. My Mom and Rydel came over to the door.

"Frank , Becky please come in." My Mom said.

"Hello Michelle and nice to see you again Austin." Frank said shaking my hand. "And who is this?" He asked pointing to Rydel.

"I'm Rydel, nice to meet you Mr. Gomez." Rydel said.

"Oh please call me Frank," Frank said and Rydel nodded.

"Oh please come in." My mom said and they started to walking in.

"Hello Michelle and Rydel HEY!" Becky said hugging them both and walked right past me ignoring me. I put my hands up when Becky wasn't looking like what the heck? Rydel saw and gave me a sorry look. So we all than went into the living room and sat down.

For the rest of the night we all did bonding activity's, each time I tried getting Becky's attention or asking her questions, she just ignored me! Even when we got partnered up for something, she acted like I didn't exist.

"Ok so Frank, Me and Austin and the others will come over tomorrow?" My mom asked.

"Yep same time right?"


"Bye Michelle." Becky said.

"Bye Becky ." Me, my mom and Rydel said.

"Bye Michelle and Rydel." Becky said and left without saying a word to me.

I slammed the door and said, "What the hell!"

"AUSTIN WATCH YOUR MOUTH! And what?" My mom asked me.

"Did you not just see that! And the whole night?"

"What?" Rydel asked.

"Becky totally ignored me the whole night. She acts like I don't exist." I said getting really angry.

"Austin calm down." My mom said.

"No I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" I screamed then stormed up to my room and plopped onto my bed.

Am I over reacting? I know I can't help it, but still. UGH! What is Ally doing to me! Its never been this bad before! After ranting in my head for a while, I feel asleep. I woke up to someone jumping on my bed.

"AUSSSTTTIIIIINNNNN! WAKE UP!" I heard Emily say while she is still jumping on my bed. So I decided to scare her.

"RAWR!" I screamed and took her in my arms and she screamed.

"Austie! You always do that! Stop scaring me!" Emily said in her cute little voice.

"Well stop waking me up then."

"No can do Austie! Now get up!" Emily told me.

"UGH! Fine," I said.

So Emily left the room and I got dressed, ate breakfast, and went to school. I walked into school and went to my locker and gowned once I saw Dallas and Becky kissing. So I got all my stuff out and than slammed my locker shut. Then Cassidy came over to me.

"So... you're angry, what happened?" Cassidy asked me.

"Well Becky and her Dad came over to my house and Becky paid attention to everyone but me. I don't even know how to get her attention anymore, and I have to go over to her house tonight."

"Wow, just thought I say this... I never thought I would see Austin Mahone being sensitive and going after just one girl." She said and I glared at her and she started to laugh.

"Anyway, we need to find a way-," Cassidy was saying when Rydel, Rocky, and Riker came over to us saying hi.

"What's up?" Riker asked.

"We are trying to find a way to get Becky back for Austin." Cassidy said to them.

"So wait... You're in on this? I'm confused." Rydel said.

"Yeah he knows I'm not the real Juliet, but I really believe him and Becky belong together. So I offered to help." Cassidy said.

"So then why are you guys still going out?" Rocky asked.

"Well, we were trying to make Becky and Dallas jealous, but it didn't work. We also can't break up because we need to hold this act on Camila ." I said.

"Oh ok I see. Well now what?" Rocky asked.

"Well we need a new plan," Cassidy said.

"So lets see, Austin what does Becky love most?" Rydel asked.


"Umm... Anything else, and really... Pickles?" Rydel asked.

"Yeah pickles...ummm? OH! She REALLY loves music!"

"That's it! You can write her a song, than you can perform it at a concert just for her!" Cassidy said.

"Yeah two problems with that," I said.

"And that is?" Rydel and Cassidy asked.

"One I can't write a song for my life, and two, how are you going to get Becky to come to the concert?"

"Leave the concert to us, and I bet if you really put your mind to it and put what you really feel into the song, you will be able to write a really good one." Rydel said.

"Ok, I'll do it!" I said, than we all went through our classes, still with Becky ignoring me. UGH!

(A/N, So what did you guys think? Do you think Austin will be able to come up with a song? At the concert or do you think it will just cause more problems or less?)

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