Let the war began -Camila

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(P.s austin didn't have a sister in real life)

Becky's POV.

I just stayed outside for the rest of the day untill I had to go to detention.


I'm so pissed off that Camila would physically hurt becky, but also I'm mad at Becky because she said Camila was cheating on me. When she has no proof! I was walking down the hallway and I asked someone what period it was and they told me it was the 9th period. So I was going to 9th period when I heard moaning. I went around the corner and saw Camila kissing Ryan Silliman, brother of Amanda Silliman. She is the Co Captain in cheerleading. So I walked up to her and pulled her off of him.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked her. Wow, I can't believe Becky was right.

"Oh Austy it's not what it looks like!" She said

"Don't call me that and you were CHEATING on me!"

"Come on Baby, I'm sorry." Camila said

"You know what?" I said, and we started to get people around us.

"Don't say it!" Camila said

"We're THROUGH!" I said

"No! you can't be doing this to me!,"

"Well I am and I can't believe you did what you did to Becky!" I said before I could stop myself.

"How did you know about that? Did that little slut tell you?"

"NO!" I lied.

"Don't lie to me! I know she did. When I see her I'm going to kill her!" Camila said

"She's not the one that told me!" I said, but it was too late she already ran off.

I went to last period, then to detention. Then Becky walked in.

"Becky, don't be mad, but Camila is trying to find you!" I said

"What? Why!" She asked

"Cause she thinks you're the one that told me, that she beat you up." I said

"What! I knew I couldn't trust you! You just had to say something, didn't you!" She said

"It just kind of slipped out, but I never said you're the one that told me."

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter now. She wants to kill ME!"

"I won't let her hurt you anymore,"

"And how are you going to do that?" She asked

"I'm not sure yet, but i'll think of something."

Then we both sat down and waited for Detention to start. Then Ron came through the door and came over to me.

"Nice job man!" He said while high fiving me. I just gave him a look, because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You know, how you dumped that bitch Camila!" Ron said while walking out of the classroom leaving me and Becky alone.

"Wait, you dumped Camila ? Wow I'm out one day and I miss so much." Becky said

"Yeah I did, and Becky I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I said

"Wait, when did this happen and how and... wait what do you mean believe me?" Becky asked

"I mean by how I didn't believe you that Camila was cheating on me. It happened before 9th period after talking to you. I walked around the corner and saw Camila kissing Ryan Silliman. So I told her we were through and that's kind of where I flipped out about her hurting you." I said

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