Strong connection

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Chapter 24

Laura's POV.

We all walk into Becky's room and sit down on her bed. Rydel and I look over to see Becky smiling like we haven't seen her smile in a while.

"So I'm guessing your night was good?" I asked her. All she did was smile wider and nod.

"So tell us everything!" Rydel said

"Ok well, once you guys ditched me." She said glaring at us. So we put our hands up in defense and she started laughing.

"Well I turned around to talk to you guys, but you weren't there and then I bumped into someone. Since we didn't and couldn't know each others names, we called each other, Romeo and Juliet." Becky told us.

"Why?" Both Me and Rydel asked.

"Well he said it was his favorite movie, I said why not, so that's why we called each other that."

"Aw! That's so cute!" Rydel said.

"Ok so go on!" I said.

"Well we slow danced, and we kissed a few times!" Becky said blushing.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Amazing!" Becky sighed happily. "It felt strangely familiar, but I shrugged it off. He was so sweet and just his kisses where even better."

"Aww! Well, what else happened?" I asked.

"Well, after we danced we went and played miniature golf. I was doing really bad, so he decided to help me. I know so cliché, but I don't care." She said then she told us the rest of her night.

"So? What does this mean? Are you going to find out who it is?" I asked.

"Duh! Also maybe we can be together when we really meet!"

Then I had a plan so I started to cough really loud.

"Laura are you ok?" Both Rydel and Becky asked.

"Water!" I said between coughs.

"Ok be right back!" Becky said getting up to get water.

Then I stopped and Rydel looked confused.

"I pretend, to get her out of the room, I have a plan!"

"Oh, ok what is it?" Rydel asked.

"Ok so let's ask questions to Becky and get her to answer them. I'm going to record it, because I have a feeling when she finds out it's Austin that she is going to back out on her words." I said.

"Ahh, I got ya, Start coughing again I here her." Rydel said then I started to cough again.

"Here you water." Becky said handing me the water.

"Thanks" I said.

"So Becky we have a few questions." Rydel said.

"Ok?" Becky said confused.

"So what if when you find out who your person is, and what that person is like, like what if he is a nerd and really ugly? Would you still go out with him?" I asked.

"Yeah." Becky said.

"What if he was one of those jerky guys?" Rydel asked.


"Why?" I asked.

"I really don't care who he is or how ugly he is, what we had tonight was something special. He's different. It's just we have this connection, I don't care who it is." Becky explained.

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