The date with dallas

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Chapter 26

I was sitting on the couch when Riker, Rocky, and Rydel came back down the stairs over to me. Riker comes up to me and smacks me against the head.

"What the heck was that for?" I screamed.

"For being an idiot!" Riker yelled back.

"Why am I an idiot?!" I asked.

"Who is your Juliet?" Rocky asked me.

"Cassidy!" I said defensively that got me another smack, but this time from Rydel. "OWW! What the heck!"

"You're such an idiot! Cassidy is not your girl!" Rydel said to me.

"Yes she is!" I argued

"No she isn't!" Rydel argued back.

"Oh yeah? Then who is?" I asked while rolling my eyes

"Don't make me smack you again!" She said. I put my hands up in defense.

"Your Juliet is Becky!" She told me.

"Oh not you guys too! First she says it now you! Stop lying." I said.

"Were not lying! Did it feel the same kissing Cassidy as it did with Juliet?" Riker asked.

"Well not really."

"When you kissed Juliet did it feel familiar?" asked Rydel.

"Yeah, well I guess." I said.

"Think back to when you kissed Becky, then compare it to Juliet." Rydel told me.


We waited for Austin to answer. I think we got him.

"Ok so maybe they were similar, but that doesn't mean my Juliet is Becky and not Cassidy." Austin said. UGH! You know what, I'm coming out and telling him the truth.

"Ok you know what, I'm coming out and saying it!" I was saying.

"Say what?" Austin asked me.

"Me, Riker, Rocky, and Laura planned you and Becky to get together at the dance.

"Riiiight." Austin said sarcastically.

"We did, we all ditched you both so you would wind up hanging out." I said then Riker finshed for me.

"We knew that you guys have this special relationship that you would hang out and not leave each others side, but now once again you have ruined it with her!" Riker finished and that left Austin speechless.

"Fuck!" Austin said and right when he said then his mom/ our aunt and Emily walked in.

"Austin I thought I taught you not to use that kind of language." Mimi said.

"Sorry!" Austin huffed.

"What's wrong?" Emily and Michelle asked.

"Austin messed up with Becky again." I told her.

"What happened this time?" Michelle asked.

"Well at the dance he was with Becky , but he didn't know that, and when he was trying to figure out who it was, Mr. Stubborn over here" I said pointing at Austin, "Decided not to believe Becky when she told him it was her and pick a different girl."

"Austiiiiin!" Emily said whining and running up to him punching him in the legs.

"OW! Why Em!" Austin asked.

"You have to fix this!" Emily said.

"You're right I'm gonna go fix it!" Austin said then went to walk out the door.

"You can't fix it right now!" I told him and he stopped in his tracks.

"why not?" Austin asked.

"She's on a date." I said

"What?! With who?!" Austin screamed.


"What? When did this happen?!"

"At the end of the day, Dallas went up to Becky and asked her out. She said yes and now they're going out tonight!" I told him.

"B-but I thought she liked me." Austin said.

"She said, well since you weren't giving her a chance and didn't like her, that she said why not go out with him. Laura even said that Becky has liked him since the 5th grade, but has recently forgot about him because she had you around."

"I totally messed this up!" Austin said

"Yeah you did!" Everyone said in the room said in unison.

"UGH!" Austin said then stormed out the door.

"Should we go get him?" Rocky asked.

"No just let him. Whenever he gets like this he leaves for a few hours then comes back."

"Where does he go?" I asked

"He goes to a place where grandpa used to always take him." Mimi told us.

Laura's POV.

I am helping Becky out, trying to find the perfect thing to wear tonight.

"What about this?" She asked me holding up a dress.

"Eh! Too.... Tacky." I told her.

"Eh! You dislike everything I pick." Becky said. The truth is a lot of these dresses are really cute, but she shouldn't be going on a date with Dallas, so I'm just going to say I dislike everything.

"You know what! I'm wearing this one! If you like it or not." She told me and went to the bathroom with a black skirt and a beige polka dot shirt and a brown belt to make it look like its attached. I do have to say it's really cute! She then comes out, does her hair, and puts on some makeup on. Then Dallas picked her up and they left.

BecKys POV.

Dallas brought me to a fancy dinner and we got inside and sat down at a booth.

"This place is so beautiful Dallas." I told him. He smiled at me, than the waiter came over.

"How can I help you today?" We told him what we wanted then he came back a little while later with our order. We ate and then left the restaurant.

"So where to now?" I asked.
"we are going to go play... miniature golf!" He told me.

"Yay! I love that game!"

"Well that's awesome! Let's go!"

Then we both got there and started playing, me losing.

"Here let me help you." He told me then he did the cliché move. This reminded me of the dance with Austin, except with Dallas. I don't know... it's not the same, but I decided to shrug it off."

Once we were done playing he took me home.

"I had a really fun time tonight. Thank you Dallas."

"You so very welcome!" He said, than we leaned in and kissed. With Dallas it was rough and not as passionate and just there wasn't really a spark, but I decided to leave it alone and sink into the kiss. Then we pulled away.

"So Ally, I have a question for you!" Dallas said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend." He asked me sheepishly.

"I would love to." I said then we kissed again and I went inside. Once I got inside my dad was home. Crap! I forgot he was going to be home.

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