And it's back to the bullying -Becky

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Chapter 21
Becky's POV.

I woke up with a major head ace. I got dressed then snuck out the door so my Dad wouldn't see me. I have no idea where I'm going to stay tonight, but I can't go home. I walked to school and when I went inside everyone started to say mean things to me again. Then some pushed me down.

"Oh I'm sorry! OH... Wait, No I'm not!" Austin said laughing and walking away with his friends, Great! What's today going to bring? Throughout the day it was horrible. Everyone keep calling me names and pushing me around. At lunch today Laura and I were sitting there when I felt something go down my head. Then I see it, I look up to see Austin holding milk and he pored more on me. Everyone started to laugh!


"I told you I was going to make your life hell since you don't want my help!" Austin whispered in my ear while walking away.

"Well, that was really low!" I said to him.

"I don't care!" He said.

"Come on Becky, let's go to the bathroom and clean you up." Laura said, than we walked to the bathroom.

"Becky?" Laura asked


"What's his problem? I though you guys were on good terms and liked each other?"

"Well after what he said yesterday, I told him to leave me alone! And now he's going back to his jerky self!" I said.

"We should get revenge!" Laura said.

"We should, but how?" I asked.

"Well, I heard last period today, there's the talent show. You should sing a song to beat him!" Trish said. "I know he's in it and he wins every year. If you sing and win, that will humiliate him."

"Great and then I'll ride on a unicorn into the sunset!" I said sarcastically.

"Come on, you know your good, I know your good. YOU'RE GOOD! We need you to do this!"

"I have the perfect song called I knew you were trouble, but I don't think I can sing it in front of everyone."

"I bet if you look at the piano you will get lost in your music, you wont even know their there. Also what is that song about?"

"Well I wrote it after Austin said those things about me."


"Fine, I'll do it!" I sighed.

"YES!" Then I got cleaned up and waited for the talent show.


I was waiting with Laura backstage, waiting for my turn.

"Hey everybody, how's it going?" The Drama teacher said who was directing the talent show.

"First up, Austin Mahone!"

"Hey! I'm Austin Mahone and I'm going to sing Secret !" Austin said.

Turn it up and shake the ground
Tell me what's on your mind
Come on now, don't be shy
This is the perfect time
This is the perfect time

OK, we found this empty house
Hit the sirens, call 'em out
Get the homies round and round
Get loud

Everybody's got a secret
Tell me yours and I'ma keep it
Yeah, there is nothing to hide
Tell me all your secrets tonight
Tell me all your secrets tonight
Tell me all your secrets tonight

Break it down, it's alright
Bring it out to the light
Breathing it out, stepping it out, yeah
Let the music free your mind, your mind, yeah

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