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Chapter 33

(A/N, so Just to let you know, the beginning of this chapter might be boring but it's just a filler, but then once you get into the rest of the chapter it gets really intense, so I hope you guys enjoy!)



We all arrived at school and we all got into our spots. We waited about a half and hour and then we saw someone.

"Wait guys I see someone!" Laura said into the walkie talkie.

"Who is it?" Becky and I ask.

"I'm not sure... I've never seen her before..." Laura said.

"Wait... She looks familiar though!" Alex said. "But I don't really know..."

"Cassidy and Dallas, she's coming your way to the front doors. Do you see her?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, but i've never seen her before." Dallas said.

"Is she carrying newspapers?" I asked.

"Yeah she is, ok she's going inside! Maybe you and Becky will know who she is." Cassidy said to me.

Becky's POV.

The door opened and someone walked in.

"BROOKE!" I yelled, but not loud enough cause she didn't hear me.

"Brooke? Who's Brooke?" Everyone asked.

"She's my crazy Ex- Girlfriend!" Austin said, then he got up and so did everyone else and we went over to Brooke.

"Brooke! WHAT THE HELL!" Austin screamed and it scared her, so she screamed and threw the newspapers in the air and fell. We all started to go towards her, when she tried to get up and run, but Rydel and Riker stopped her.

"Brooke? What the hell?! You're the one doing this! You don't even go here!" Austin said.

"Who even is she?" Laura asked.

"She's my Ex- Girlfriend from the 5th grade!" Austin said.

"Oh I remember her now!" Alex said.

"Why are you doing this!" Riker asked Brooke.

"Cause! It was 5th grade when Austin dumped me! I was devastated! He didn't even give me and reason for breaking up with me! I knew everything about you! I even knew you're bipolar and-" Brooke was saying when Laura , Cass, Dallas cut her off.

"You're bipolar?" They asked him.

"UGH! Why! Why did you say that! And how did you even know!:" Austin said angry now.

"Because I could tell you started acting different and my Dad's bipolar! Why did you tell Becky , but you never told me!"

"One, why would I have told you! You were a crazy girlfriend! Also by the way! I didn't actually tell her! She found out, because she was there when the doctor asked why I wasn't taking my medication! But that's besides the point! Why are you doing this!" Austin yelled.

"As I was saying I knew you were bipolar and after your grandpa died I noticed you keep trying to get Becky's attention, because you didn't want to lose her too!" Brooke said.

"So why the newspapers?" I asked.

"Because if I couldn't have Austin neither can you! So I made everyone hate you! I did this because of what Austin did!"

"Well it doesn't give you the right to do that! And you're going to stop doing this forever!"

"Why? Who's going to stop me!"

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