The big fight

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Chapter 30


After the concert I went home with smile on my face.

"Why are you so happy? Are you and Becky finally together?" Rydel asked me.


"Well than why are you happy?"

"Because I know she likes me."

"Really! So what happened?" Rydel asked, than I told her what happened.

"Aww! So now what is your plan?" Rydel asked.

"Not sure, but I'm not giving up."

"Well I wish you the best cuz." Rydel said than went to her room. I can't wait for school tomorrow.


I went to my locker and opened it up, then Cassidy came over, but the bad thing was that she had newspapers in her hand.

"Oh no..."

"Yeah, oh no." Cassidy said.

"What's this about this time?" I asked, than she handed me the newspaper.

"Bad boy Austin Mahone sings his heart out to the Nerd Gomez . He even wrote two songs for her." Then there was a picture of me next to Becky singing. Than it said "Check out what happened behind the stage." Than it showed a picture of Becky and I kissing. "So Austin and Becky both are cheaters! Austin's cheating on Cassidy, while Becky cheated on Dallas... What problems will this bring now?"

I finished reading it than heard two people screaming.

"Dallas I'M SORRY! I DO LIKE YOU!" Becky screamed to Dallas.

"Then why did you go and cheat on me!"

"I didn't mean too!"

"Well it's obvious that you like Austin, right!"


"Becky!" Dallas said.

"Ok, yes! But... I still like you, I never wanted to hurt you!" Becky said.

"Who do you like more? Me or Austin?"

"..." Becky stayed quiet.

"Becky if you like Austin more, just say it!"

"Ok fine! I like Austin more, but I'm so so so sorry! I really didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Come here." Dallas said than hugged her.

"Are you still mad." Becky asked while looking up at him.

"Well I'm upset, but I really do believe you and Austin are a great couple, and I know you wouldn't really mean to hurt me."

"Dallas you are so sweet and any girl would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks Becky ."

"Can we still be friends?" Becky asked Dallas.

"Of course and if Austin ever hurts you, you tell me and I'll beat him up for you, ok?"

Becky just nodded and laughed.

"Thanks again Dallas." Becky said, than they went there separate ways.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I was jumping inside.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go get you girl!" Cassidy said.

"Wait... what about Camila ? And us fake dating?" I asked.

On and off bullying (Becstin) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora