43- Drista

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WARNING: Language

Three months later... 

She sat on the raised dais in the courtroom, looking over at the jury as they all conversed among themselves. Light streamed into the room from the narrow windows, she'd been watching it travel across the floor all afternoon. Stifling a yawn, she tried to stretch out her back inconspicuously. She'd been watching over this trial for at least two hours now and she was bored out of her mind. Looking to the center of the courtroom, she spotted Clay watching her. He made a goofy face at her and she bit back a smile. Even as the jury decided his fate, her brother could still make her laugh.

She hoped that the jury would be lenient with their verdict. Clay had done some terrible things, yes, but he'd also saved them all. Well, saved them all from an evil that he'd brought into their reality, but saving is saving, right?

"Has the jury reached a final decision?" Tubbo asked. He was presiding as the judge for the case, appointed by Drista herself. One of the jury members nodded and brought forward a slip of paper from which Tubbo read.

"The jury finds Clay Shawcross guilty of all crimes for which he is being tried for today," Tubbo read. "Which includes, but is not limited to, treason, conspiracy against the crown, and extortion. The jury has sentenced Mr. Shawcross to five years in prison, after which he will serve three years of mandatory community service."

Five years in prison. Three years community service. Eight years total in which her brother would have his every move watched. It was better than she could've hoped for. Lost in thought, she didn't realize that the court had adjourned until people began standing up around her, preparing to leave.

"Wait!" she called out as two royal guards led a handcuffed Clay away. They paused and she stepped down the dais to join them.

"What's the matter?" Clay asked, concern in his eyes.

"I just wanted to see you one last time before you're locked away forever," she grinned, giving him a hug. He returned it as best he could with his hands bound together.

"You don't plan on visiting me?" he asked.

"If they let me, I will," she promised. "You got lucky."

"I know," he nodded. One of the guards pulled impatiently at his elbow and Clay shot Drista an apologetic smile.

"Prison calls," he grinned with a wink. "Goodbye, Drista!"

"Bye!" she said, waving goodbye as Clay was led away.

"That went well," she said as Tubbo came to stand next to her.

"Well enough," Tubbo shrugged. "He deserves worse."

Drista sighed, knowing all too well the bitterness Tubbo felt towards Clay. While she could forgive him, there were still plenty others that couldn't. Not yet, anyways.

"He did save me," she reminded him.

"You wouldn't have needed saving if he'd never brought the Ender here in the first place," Tubbo pointed out.

"One day you'll see that he's changed," she smiled at Tubbo. Drista was in a fantastic mood today, even if she had to sit through her brother's long-ass trial. Behind Tubbo, she saw Ranboo waving at them. "I think someone wants your attention."

Tubbo turned and immediately brightened.

"I'll catch you later?" he asked, turning towards Ranboo.

Down with the King- Dream SMPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora