2- Tommy

893 30 3

WARNING: Language and some blood

They crept along the base of the obsidian walls, staying within the shadows. Tommy snuck a quick glance at the clock, determining the time to be close to 4:50 am. At 5:00 am, the guard shift would change, information provided to them by Eret, a minor councilman in Dream's circle of advisors. That's when they would scale the walls, taking the guards by surprise and making their way towards the castle.

"This is mildly terrifying," Tubbo whispered behind Tommy, both of their backs pressed up against the dark walls.

"I'm not afraid," Tommy smirked, though both he and Tubbo knew better. Tommy looked back at the rebels lined behind them, all decked out in armor. He could make out a few familiar faces, nodding tersely at Fundy when they made eye contact. He checked his clock again before swiveling his gaze back up to the obsidian walls.

"Almost time now..." he murmured to himself, his grip tightening on the grappling hook he held. Nerves had him tapping his foot impatiently against the ground, anxious for the night to be over with already.

"Relax," Tubbo whispered in his ear. "Everything will be okay."

"My god, Tubbo, I hope so," Tommy sighed. Not to far from where he and his team huddled in the shadows were Wilbur and Eret with their own teams. Suddenly, the soft cooing of a pigeon reached his ears, though Tommy knew it wasn't a pigeon calling. Wilbur had just signaled the beginning of the assassination.

Tommy swung his grappling hook over the obsidian walls, savoring the small moment of victory when it caught the first time. He began hauling himself up the rope, refusing to look down.

Eyes on the target, he thought to himself. His arms were burning by the time he reached the top, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins made him quickly forget.

"H-hey-!" a guard slurred, blinking at him in surprise. Tommy whirled towards him, quickly disarming the guard and bashing him on the head with the hilt of his sword. The guard crumpled to the ground with a clatter and he winced at the loud sound. He turned to see the rest of his team had made it over the walls and disposed of the remaining guards.

"Let's go!" he whispered to the rebels, motioning for them to follow him. They crept along the obsidian walls and Tommy couldn't help but glance towards the castle within. Made of polished blackstone and diorite, the castle looked more like an evil fortress than the prize jewel of the kingdom. Towers and turrets rose above a large courtyard in the front of the castle's large dark oak doors. A large obsidian structure stood in the center of the courtyard; this was the portal to an alternate dimension simply known as the Nether. This portal was the only one in all the land, giving the king yet another way to control his subjects. Rumor had it that Dream had his own Nether portal in his chambers, though there was no way to confirm it.

At least, not until after tonight, he grinned to himself. He wondered if Wilbur or Eret had found King Dream yet, or if they had him on the run. God, what he wouldn't give to see Dream running for his fucking life.

"We're here," he muttered to his team, holding up a hand to stop them. They'd reached the easternmost side of the castle. Here, there was a series of barracks in which the guards stayed. Most of them would be here at this early hour, sleeping off the effects of Niki's special brew.

Taking a deep breath, Tommy motioned the rebels forward and they ran down to the barracks. Choosing the hut closest to him, Tommy kicked open the door and held his sword aloft, but the room was empty. Confused, he ran out and joined another rebel in another hut.

"It's empty?" the rebel said, looking at him in confusion. "Tommy, I don't understand-"

He didn't hear the rest of what the rebel was saying, he'd already left the barrack. Left and right, his rebels were emerging from the barracks with looks of confusion and surprise on their faces. A cold, sinking feeling settled in his gut as doubts began to creep in.

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