18- Drista

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"Thank you for helping me with this, Clara," Drista said, looking at herself in the mirror. She had borrowed some of Clara's ordinary day clothes: a long blue skirt matched with a blue petticoat and a dark brown hooded cloak. The dress was scratchy and uncomfortable, but Drista would gladly endure a few hours of discomfort for a chance to go outside.

"Of course," Clara replied, though her hands shook with nerves. Drista took the handmaids hands in her own.

"I promise you won't get in trouble for this," she reassured her. "I swear on my life."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Clara nodded, a grateful smile lightning up her face. "Before we leave, can I ask what is so important to go into town for?"

"I wish I could tell you, but you'd be in more danger if you knew," she replied. She really did want to tell Clara that she was going into town to see if she could find more information on Technoblade, but it was best to keep that a secret for now.

"Are you ready?" Clara asked.

"Yes," Drista said, turning towards the door.

"Um, one more thing," Clara said, stopping her. Reaching up, Clara unfastened the white porcelain mask from Drista's face and handed it to her.

"Oh," Drista said, taking the mask and staring at it.

"I-I apologize for overstepping my boundaries," Clara stuttered. "I just thought you wouldn't want to be recognized-"

"You're absolutely right," Drista said with a laugh, beaming at Clara. "You're right!" She tossed the mask onto her bed, feeling lighter than she had for a while now. There was something freeing about losing the white mask. Clara returned the smile before leading Drista through the servants entrance in her room. There were servants halls running through the entire castle and there just happened to be an entrance to them in her bedroom. Dream may have locked her inside, but he'd forgotten about the servant's passageways.

It was through these that Drista and Clara walked. Today was the first day of the Majesty's Tournament, meaning everyone would be in town and no one would be at the castle to miss her. It had taken a lot of convincing to get Clara to help her sneak out of the castle, but Drista had been persistent and her efforts paid off when they stepped into the servant's courtyard.

She blinked in the sunlight, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun. Drista pulled the hood of the cloak over her head as she and Clara approached the servant's gate built into the obsidian walls.

"State your business," one of the guards asked as she and Clara approached.

"Felicity and I are going into town for the tournament," Clara responded, gesturing to Drista/ Felicity.

"Very well," the guard said. "Open the gates!"

Drista breathed a sigh of relief as the iron gates swung open and they crossed through the obsidian walls.

"It worked!" she exclaimed to Clara as soon as they were out of earshot from the guards.

"Yes, it worked," Clara agreed. "That was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life!"

"I can't thank you enough," Drista said. "You and the real Felicity both."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Clara responded. "Though I suppose I shouldn't call you that out here."

The girls walked along the cobblestone path until they found themselves in the midst of the town. It had been so long since Drista had been in town and she found herself marveling at every little thing. Banners and streamers decorated the walls for the Majesty's Tournament, shopkeepers called into the streets to sell their wares, and people were everywhere.

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