38- Tubbo

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WARNING: Language

They ran from the room, bumping into Karl, Quackity, and Wilbur in the foyer.

"They're everywhere!" Quackity exclaimed, slicing at an Enderman that came too close.

"This way!" Skeppy called from the doorway, waving them over. They fled the room, defending themselves as the Enderman attacked with a ferocity only found in monsters. Skeppy slammed the door shut behind them, though the Endermen simply teleported to the other side, only to be met with the business end of a sword.

"Come on!" Skeppy said, leading them down a narrow staircase. The ceiling was low here, so low that the Endermen had difficulty following them.

"They don't like cramped spaces," Tommy noted. "That's useful."

"Yeah, neither do I," Ranboo said as he had to practically crawl on his hands and knees behind them.

"Where are we going?" Tubbo asked Skeppy. "And where's everyone else?"

"Bad and I have a series of mines underneath the mansion," Skeppy explained. "One of them leads to a ravine filled with water. Not only is it underground, but we have water to use against them too. BadBoyHalo already grabbed everyone and headed down."

Skeppy pushed open a door to a cellar with stone floors and walls. A small tunnel had been dug steeply downward; it was down here that they went. After a few minutes of crawling, they emerged in the large underground ravine Skeppy had described earlier. Wooden supports and walkways criss-crossed throughout the ravine, torches placed erratically for light. Skeppy led them down to a small wooden landing where everyone else was gathered.

"You made it!" Bad exclaimed, running forward to embrace Skeppy. "I was so worried."

"We won't be safe down here for long," Fundy said. "One way or another, the Endermen will find their way down here."

"Where is Drista?" Eret asked, looking around.

"Dream has her," Ranboo said darkly. "I saw him teleport away with her when I was coming to warn her that the mansion had been breached. I... I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Tubbo said reassuringly. "We all should've kept a more careful eye on her." His tone darkened.

"If Dream touches a hair on her head, I'll make him regret it for the rest of his life."

Tommy looked to him nervously, but Tubbo was too filled with rage to care. Dream had taken the one person he'd been able to rely on continuously through the years. Drista had always been there for him and when she had needed him, he'd been gone. He'd been a fool to let her out of his sight.

Suddenly, the ravine began to shake.

"What is this?" Niki called out in fear as everyone held onto each other and support posts to keep themselves upright.

"Oh, Tubbo look!" Wilbur exclaimed, looking down. Tubbo looked to him and saw that the tattoo on his chest was glowing yet again, just as it had in the tunnels before. If anything, the glow was brighter than before, a soft golden light emitting from his chest.

"Wait, I know that light!" Karl gasped just as the shaking ceased.

"What the fuck is going on?" Tommy asked as Karl stepped towards Wilbur. He lifted his shirt to reveal the glowing tattoo of the Totem of Undying, the light steadily fading now. As if in a trance, Karl reached up and placed his hand on the tattoo, almost as if he was trying to grab it.

"Hey," Techno said with a warning in his voice, stepping in front of Wilbur.

"I can't believe..." Karl muttered, his voice trailing off.

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