41- Tommy

220 7 2

WARNING: violence, blood/gore, mild language

They teleported into existence within the lowest levels of the castle near the old Apothecary, according to Dream.

"I could be wrong," Dream added. "Drista did a lot of remodeling after the original castle was blown up."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Fundy apologized, though everyone could tell he wasn't very sorry at all. Tommy stared around the unfamiliar castle walls, hardly believing that this was the same place in which he'd been held for months, trapped behind iron bars. The castle was brighter now, it's quartz floors gleaming in the candlelight.

The floor began to quake, everyone looking around wildly.

"What's happening?" Niki exclaimed.

"The Ender is in the castle," Dream said as the castle shook. "It's huge."

Tommy wondered what manner of monster could cause an entire quartz castle to shake like a sandcastle. True fear began to gnaw at his insides as his mind conjured terrible visions of creatures with glowing purple eyes and sadistic smiles.

Dream waved them towards a small door discreetly hidden within the wall.

"A servant's passage," he explained, getting Sapnap's help in pulling the door open since his hands were still bound together. Tommy couldn't help but stare at the rope binding his hands together, remembering how Dream had once shackled him. He supposed he should feel some sort of vengeance in seeing Dream tied up, some sort of revenge, but he didn't. No, he just wanted to stay far away from Dream. He didn't trust him, even with his hands bound.

"How are you holding up?" Ranboo asked as they moved through the dark hallways, following the old king. Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness by now, so much so that Tommy felt a light would only hurt his eyes.

"Alright," Tommy replied. "The castle looks so different."

"I know," Ranboo nodded. "It's much different from when we were last here. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole time difference thing myself."

"Yeah," Tommy said, letting the silence between them thicken until it was too late to continue the conversation. He focused his eyes on the back of Fundy's neck as they walked single file through the passage: Dream led the way with Technoblade just behind him, followed by Wilbur, Sapnap, George, Tubbo, Fundy, himself, Ranboo, Niki, Eret, Quackity, Karl, Skeppy, and BadBoyHalo. Suddenly, Techno held up a hand, causing them all to stop.

Peering over everyone's shoulders, Tommy looked up the passage stairs to where a door had been slammed shut, a figure breathing heavily. A single torch flickered weakly by the doorway as the figure leaned against the wall, exhausted. The figure allowed their hand to drop from their face, revealing the broken white mask sitting over their features.


Tommy looked to the real Dream standing rigid before the sight of his past self. Wilbur looked back and pressed a silent finger to his lips, reminding them all to stay quiet. As if Tommy needed reminding. One Dream was bad enough, but two? That was a nightmare he never wanted to live out.

Dream shuffled backwards, losing his balance before Technoblade grabbed the back of his shirt and held him upright, though it didn't stop the loose pebbles to cascade down the stairs. The noise was like a waterfall in Tommy's ears and his heart stopped when Past-Dream's head turned in their direction.

"Hello?" Past-Dream called out into the darkness. Everyone froze, not moving a muscle. Tommy felt his heart beating rapidly, a single drop of sweat trickling down his face as he begged Past-Dream to look anywhere else, to leave him alone-

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