23- Drista

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The door opened and she froze in fear before recognizing the figure that stepped through.

"Tubbo!" she exclaimed, darting forward to wrap him in a hug.

"Drista!" he grinned, returning the hug. "You're okay!"

"Yeah," she said, not wanting to delve into thoughts of Clay or Dream. "How are you?"

"Could be better," he said, finally pulling away from her. "Wait, what's he doing here?"

She turned to where George was standing by Wilbur, goggles over his eyes as he studied the room.

"George is the one who let me out," she said. "Tubbo, he can be trusted."

"No, he can't," Tubbo said darkly, pulling out a dagger from his waistband. "He's Dream's closest advisor, how does anything about that scream trustworthy?!"

"Tubbo, please," George said, raising his hands in surrender. "I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just want to understand."

"He let me out, Tubbo," she repeated, placing herself between the two of them. "George is just as worried about Clay as I am. All we want is to help."

"I trust you, Drista, not him," Tubbo growled, but he sheathed the blade.

"Wilbur?" asked a voice from behind Tubbo. She looked past him to the man in the doorway she hadn't recognized before.

"Who are you?" she asked, but to her surprise, it was Wilbur who answered her question.

"Technoblade!" he exclaimed, holding his shackled hands out towards the voice. Technoblade ran to the table and hugged Wilbur tightly.

"You found him?" Drista asked Tubbo, amazed. "You found Technoblade?"

"More like he found me," Tubbo admitted. "But yes."

"What's wrong with you?" Technoblade asked, cupping Wilbur's face. "What have they done to you?"

"I can't see you, Techno, I can't see!" Wilbur said, taking Techno's hands and holding them in his own.

"Dream cursed his eyes," she explained, walking forward. "Hi, I'm Drista."

"You're the one Philza gave the compass to," Technoblade said.

"The one and only," she replied with a mocking curtsy.

"You know what happened to Wilbur?" he asked.

"Only bits and pieces," she explained. "I was the first one to find him down here. When I did, his eyes had already been tampered with. He could only remember two names: Tommy and Technoblade. Tubbo and I hoped that by finding one or the other, we could help Wilbur remember some of his past. See, he can't remember things very well either."

"What's this?" Techno asked, gesturing to Wilbur's open shirt at the strange tattoo. "Wilbur never had any tattoos and he would never get that  thing tattooed."

"It's always been there," Drista said. "It was there the first time I met him."

"Techno, I'm so happy you're here!" Wilbur said, refusing to let go of Techno's hands. "You make me happy! And warm!"

"I shouldn't," Technoblade muttered. "Do you really not remember anything? Do you remember..."

Wilbur shook his head mutely.

"Technoblade, there's something else," Tubbo said, stepping forward to stand beside Drista. "Wilbur isn't... alive."

"Look," Drista said when she saw confusion flash across his face. Gently, she took his hand and placed it against Wilbur's chest where his heart was supposed to be beating. She looked away when she saw that he understood.

Down with the King- Dream SMPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon