27- Tommy

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WARNING: Language

He sat at the window, staring out at the night sky. It'd been a few days since his return to the castle and while his new bedroom was an improvement from his previous cell, it was still a cell. He wasn't allowed to leave and the door was always locked. His hand gently traced over the seams in his right leg where the metal had been molded to his flesh.

"Hello?" Dream asked, entering the room.

"Hello Dream," Tommy sighed, not moving from his perch on the window seat.

"What's wrong?" Dream asked. Tommy looked to see he'd pushed his white mask back so he could see the concern in his eyes.

"Nothing," Tommy said, swinging his legs over the seat. "Why are you here?"

"I always come to visit you?" Dream said, confused. He took his usual seat by the fire and Tommy came to join him, the two of them sitting on the plush rug that lay over the cold stone floor. "How has your day been? Did you complete the assignments I gave you?"

"I still don't understand why you're making me write!" Tommy complained. "I haven't been to school in ages!"

"That's exactly why I'm making you do this," Dream said. "Education is important, Tommy. Frankly, I'm shocked that you dropped out at such a young age!"

"The rebellion was more important," he shrugged.

"Did you complete the writing assignments?"

"Come on Dream," Tommy moaned. "Cut me some slack! I'm still getting used to my new leg and all!"

"Last I checked, you'd have to have some sort of brain injury to interfere with your learning abilities," Dream smirked. "Besides, I've seen how you move with that thing. You can't use it as an excuse anymore."

"I'd rather just spar," Tommy huffed, rolling his eyes. "Like we used to."

"Did you complete the assignments?" Dream asked once more.

"No," Tommy finally said. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"I'm disappointed, Tommy," Dream tsked. "Those were supposed to be done yesterday-"

"You gave me three essays to do!" Tommy exclaimed.

"That's nothing!" Dream countered. "When I was in school, George and I would be given at least ten essays to be written in a single day! I'm being lenient with you!"

"You and George went to school together?" Tommy asked, knowing that talking about George would distract Dream from the fact that he hadn't done his homework.

"In a way," Dream nodded. "I never went to a traditional school, I always had private tutors. George came to the castle when we were both around, oh, ten years old? He was meant to be a squire and so my father put us in tutoring sessions together."

"Huh," Tommy said to himself, trying to picture a young Dream and George sitting at desks while a tutor attempted to teach them mathematics. "Are you sure you're not making this up?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Dream chuckled. "Now, about those essays-"

Tommy groaned loudly, interrupting Dream and flopping onto his back.

"Tommy, you must finish those essays," Dream said. "Or else I won't come back to visit."

"You're just pulling my leg," Tommy said, grinning at him. Dream simply shrugged and said, "We'll see."


The next day found Tommy doing absolutely anything but his essays. Soon, evening fell once more and Dream came in.

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