26- Tubbo

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WARNING: Language and torture/ blood

He had been walking back from the library when Sapnap ran into him, knocking him over.

"Hey!" Tubbo exclaimed from the floor.

"Sorry!" Sapnap said, reaching down to help him up. "I'm in a rush."

"What for?" he asked.

"Dream's back in town and I swear to god he didn't let any of us know!" Sapnap growled. "He's going to get himself shot parading around like that!"

"Do you need help?" Tubbo asked eagerly, hoping against hope that Tommy would be with him.

"No," Sap shook his head before running back down the hallway. Disappointed but hopeful, Tubbo made his way to one of the southern turrets from which he had an excellent view of the stables below. He crouched behind the wall, peeking his head over just enough so he could see the squadron of guards escorting Dream back to the castle. He released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding when he recognized Tommy riding beside Dream, a blindfold over his eyes.

"You're alive," he whispered to himself. "You're alive!"

Words were exchanged between the king and the guards, but Tubbo's eyes were solely focused on Tommy. They narrowed when he saw Dream reach up to help Tommy off his horse and his best friend stumbled a bit upon hitting the ground. He wished more than anything it could be him down there. He missed Tommy so much and he owed it to Wilbur to get him out of this hellhole they were stuck in.

He watched until they entered the castle, finally climbing down from the turret feeling a bit better about the situation. Tommy was alive and once again within the castle walls. Tubbo wondered if he could stop by the isolation cell to see him on his way to visit Wilbur tonight, but quickly erased the idea from thought. Dream was back as well, meaning his nighttime adventures would have to become much stealthier.

"Tubbo!" George called, waving him over. He looked panicked.

"Yes?" he asked, still wary of Dream's best friend.

"Have you seen Drista?" George whispered urgently. "She's not in her room and Dream just got back."

"I haven't," Tubbo shook his head, dread pooling in his stomach. "Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"No idea!" George said, eyes darting around nervously. "Will you find her for me? Please?"

"Y-yes," Tubbo nodded.

"Good, good," George nodded. "I'll catch up to Dream and see if I can find a way to stall him... oh, this is not good."

"I'll find her," Tubbo promised, turning away from George and walking down the hall. He began his frantic search of the castle, checking in the gardens, the kitchen, the library, even the sitting room he'd first met her in. It seemed that Dream's little sister was nowhere to be found, until an idea occurred to him. He ran past the isolation cell and opened the door to the Apothecary where he found Drista speaking to Wilbur.

"Ah, Tubbo!" Wilbur grinned, waving at him.

"Drista, we need to leave!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"What? Why?" she asked. "Nice to see you too, by the way."

"Dream's back."

She stiffened at the sound of her brother's name, immediately looking to the floor.

"We have to get you back to your room before he notices you're missing," Tubbo said gently. "Come on!"

She nodded mutely and went to follow him until the sound of footsteps coming down the stone stairs made them freeze. Someone was coming.

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