29- Tubbo

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WARNING: Language, alcohol, and some blood

"Old friends?" he asked, confused.

"The rebels," she said, gathering her skirts in her hands as she began to climb the white quartz steps.

"The rebels are here?!" he exclaimed, following her. "Are you sure that's a good idea? These people are enemies, Drista!"

"I know, I know," she sighed. "But we have no other choice. I'm hoping that you and I can reach some sort of compromise with them. After all, you were once one of them, yeah?"

"Drista, they don't like me anymore!" Tubbo protested. "They think I'm a traitor."

"Well that's unfortunate," she shrugged as they entered the mansion just behind Skeppy and Bad.

"This way," Skeppy said, leading them through a door beneath the two winding staircases. Tubbo had only been to the mansion once before and it felt strange being back. It felt colder, almost.

They entered into a sort of library and Tubbo paused, staring at the figures in the room.

"Tubbo?" Fundy asked softly, standing up from his seat by the fire. More heads turned to face them and Tubbo felt his throat go dry. He saw various rebels still wearing their blue coats turning to face him and he felt ashamed. These people had risked everything, everything; who was he to call himself one of them?

"H-hey?" he said, looking around the room. "Hey guys."

"You made it out," Niki said bluntly. He nodded.

"Hello," Drista said, stepping forward. "My name is Drista, Dream's sister and current ruler."

"We know who you are," Fundy spat. "You're just another monarch!"

"Is Dream dead?" Niki asked.

"No, he's not dead!" Drista said vehemently. "And I'm not just another monarch! Let me speak!"

"We don't want to hear what you have to say," Fundy shook his head. "We should've made sure neither you nor Dream survived that explosion."

"That's enough!" Tubbo said, stepping in front of Drista.

"Who do you think you are?" Niki demanded, an anger blazing in her eyes that Tubbo had never seen before. "You betrayed us Tubbo! We trusted you, I trusted you! I stood up for you! I believed in you! And you side with Dream over us!"

"I never sided with Dream!" Tubbo said. "He lied to me, Niki, he tricked me! He said that you would all be set free-"

"That's a poor excuse," Niki laughed bitterly. "Tell me, Tubbo, did you enjoy your life in the palace? Did you like the feeling of power? You're just as bad as Eret!"

"If you'd seen the things I've seen-" he started, but Wilbur spoke up from behind him.

"Tubbo, why is everyone shouting?" he asked, his hand still grasped in Tubbo's. Niki's face drained of color and Fundy took a step back, the rest of the rebels murmuring to themselves.

"Wilbur, everything is okay," Drista said reassuringly. "These people are our friends!"

"W-Will?" Niki asked softly. "Is that you?"

"Did someone say my name?" Wilbur asked, looking blankly around the room.

"How is this possible?" Fundy asked.

"Let me explain," Tubbo said slowly. "And you'll see why I stayed."


Tubbo's voice was tired after hours of speaking, Drista jumping in when he got tired or didn't fully understand something. Niki sat next to Wilbur the entire time, refusing to let go of his hand. Finally, the whole story was out there for everyone to see.

Down with the King- Dream SMPOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant