21- Tommy

338 13 4

WARNING: Language and blood/gore

He'd been rereading Tubbo's report when Punz had arrived at his cell, followed closely by a pair of guards.

"Come for a visit?" he'd asked dryly before Punz pulled out a key to unlock the door to his cell. "Uh, wait a minute, what the hell are you doing?"

"Come on," Punz said, opening the door. The two guards behind him pushed through the door, grabbing Tommy roughly by the arms and hauling him to his feet.

"Ay, watch it!" he snapped. "Where are you taking me?"

"That's none of your concern," Punz said.

"I think my life does fucking concern me!" Tommy exclaimed, his eyes widening as Punz pulled out a blindfold and manacles. "What the fuck are those for? Did Dream send you?"

"Again, that's none of your concern," Punz repeated. The guard's had grips of steel, holding Tommy in place as Punz shackled his arms behind his back and blinded him.

"I don't like this!" Tommy said, cringing at the whine in his voice. "Where's Dream?"

There was no reply, only the command to walk forward.

"Where's Dream?" Tommy said again, growing more nervous by the second. He dug his heels into the blackstone floor, refusing to move. "Where's Dream!?"

"He sent us to collect you," Punz finally said. "Now move before I make you!"

Tommy obediently walked forward, the guards on either side of him refusing to release his arms. If Dream had sent them, surely nothing too terrible would happen, right?

Without being able to see where they were headed, Tommy couldn't tell for just how long they walked. All he knew was at some point, the ground beneath him had changed to cobblestone and he felt fresh air on his face, though they hadn't gone through any doors to lead outside. It was soon after he noticed this change that they stopped.

"Just pick him up," he heard Punz mutter.

"What?!" he exclaimed just as the guards holding his arms lifted him into the air. "H-hey! Put me down you bastards!"

He was shoved into, well, something. He went to stand up, but his head banged into the ceiling and he cursed.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Tommy, sit down," came Punz's voice.

"Well I can't exactly do that if I can't see!" Tommy exclaimed just as the box he was in lurched forward. He stumbled, falling face first into a padded seat. Finally deducing that he was in a carriage, Tommy managed to find himself a seat as the carriage pulled away.

"Where are we going?" he asked again. "Why are we in a carriage?"

"Where you're going, it's too far to walk."

"I'm going? Surely you're coming with me?"

Silence. His heart began to race at the thought of being left alone again.

"P-punz, listen to me, Jesus Christ, I don't want to be alone again. Where is Dream? He wouldn't leave me alone," he stammered, his anxiety only heightened by his blindness. The blindfold had to be made of the blackest cloth he'd ever seen because it was impossible to see anything. It was darker than closing his eyes.

Punz was silent.

"Please answer me!" Tommy pleaded, remembering all too well those first few days of imprisonment. "Punz, I need to know you're still there! Please, talk to me! I need to know this is real..."

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