15- Drista

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WARNING: Language and some domestic violence

Her slippered feet made no sound as she crept down the darkened hallways, but instead of making a right to visit Wilbur, she made a left. Soon, she found herself standing in front of a door at the end of a dimly lit passageway. Slowly opening the door, she found herself peering down a set of stairs at which a cell was located at the bottom of.

"Psst!" she hissed at the sleeping figure. "Hey! Tommy!"

The figure stirred slightly and she whispered his name again. Drista was nervous about going into the room itself, unsure of what alarms would potentially be set, so she remained in the doorway.

"The hell?" Tommy asked groggily, sitting up and peering at her. "Who are you?"

She was surprised to see he wasn't much older than she was and for the hundredth time in the past few days, she questioned her brother's motives. Why would he lock a child away?

"That doesn't matter," she said. "I'm here to give you a message."

"A message from who?" the blonde asked.

"Wilbur says to hold on," she said. "He says that everything is going to be okay. And he's so, so proud of you."

To her eternal confusion, Tommy looked angry when he heard the words.

"Is this your idea of a sick joke?" Tommy growled at her. "To come and wake me up only to use Wilbur as a way to mess with me? That's fucked up."

"No, it's true!" she exclaimed. "Wilbur is here, in the castle!"

"Wilbur is dead!" Tommy yelled at her.

"Shhh!" she whispered, frantically looking behind her to see if anyone had heard. "Please, be quiet! No one can know that I'm here! Tommy, please, shut up!"

"Get out," Tommy said darkly. "You're a bitch."

"Fine!" she shot back, flipping him off with her free hand. "For whatever it's worth, I'm telling the truth."

She left the door shut behind her, releasing a breath when no one came to investigate the noise. How could Tommy and Wilbur ever be related? Wilbur was kind, calm, and collected whereas Tommy was an absolute trainwreck. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized how rational his reaction had been. Wilbur had been Tommy's older brother and role model, and he didn't know that Wilbur was alive within the castle walls. Well, Wilbur was alive to a certain degree.

How someone could raise the dead, she still didn't know. It would have to take some powerful magic or enchantments to be able to bring someone back to life and even then, the results weren't guaranteed. Clay didn't like magic and he rarely used it himself, only turning to it when he needed an object enhanced. His beliefs had rubbed off on her and now she was wary of it as well, but who within the castle walls would be practicing magic?

These thoughts and more tumbled through her head as she entered the Apothecary.

"Hello Drista!" Wilbur said upon hearing the door open. "I was wondering if you were going to visit me tonight!"

"Do you sleep, Wilbur?" she asked suddenly. "You're always awake when I arrive."

"No, I don't think I do," Wilbur said thoughtfully. "Did you see Tommy yet?"

"I actually just came from there," Drista nodded.

"Did he seem happy?"

Tommy's face of pain and anger flitted through her mind. "Y-yes. He was excited to know that you are alive."

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