24- Tommy

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WARNING: Language

On the seventh day after the wolf attack, Tommy managed to shuffle a few paces around the bedroom with the help of a cane Dream had fashioned for him out of oak wood. He only practiced when Dream wasn't around, embarrassed to be seen relying on a piece of wood for movement. It was humiliating to be reduced to this state, hobbling around like an old man when he hadn't even reached his 18th birthday.

"Fuck!" he swore as his metallic leg refused to comply and he tumbled to the ground, catching himself on his forearms.

"You okay?" Dream called from below.

"Just fine!" Tommy yelled back through gritted teeth. Pushing himself into a seated position, he thwacked the cane against his netherite leg. "Useless piece of shit! Dream said you were supposed to work normally, so why aren't you?"

"Everything good?" Dream asked, poking his head up through the trapdoor.

"It's fine," Tommy said bitterly, turning away from Dream. "Just fine."

"I know this is hard," Dream continued. "But you're going to figure it out, yeah? You just have to persevere."

"I know that!" Tommy snapped, glaring at Dream now sitting on the floor not too far from him. Dream stared at him in silence and he let out an angry breath.

"It's frustrating," he admitted softly. "To know that something as simple as walking is so fucking hard for me now. I just... I feel..."

"Come on," Dream said, standing and offering a hand to Tommy.

"What?" he asked, taking the outstretched hand. Dream effortlessly pulled him to his feet, steadying him.

"I've got something for you," Dream said, guiding Tommy towards the ladder. With some difficulty, Tommy made his way down until they made it to the ground floor. He hadn't left the upstairs bedroom in so long, he'd almost forgotten what the main floor of the cabin looked like. Dream instructed him to go outside while he made his way down to the basement bedroom to grab something.

"What is it?" Tommy called after him.

"You'll see," came Dream's reply. "I'll meet you outside!"

"But it's cold outside," he groaned. Regardless, he gripped the oak cane tightly and shuffled towards the door. Grabbing his jacket from the coat hanger by the door, he stepped outside. The air was crisp and bitingly cold, chilling him to the bone. A fresh layer of snow coated the ground and Tommy took great satisfaction in being the first to break it. He was so caught up in hobbling through the snow that he almost didn't notice Dream watching him from the doorway. When he finally felt the king's eyes upon him, he stopped, embarrassed by his childish behavior.

"Sorry," he muttered, looking to the ground.

"Looks like fun," Dream said with a smile.

"It is, actually," Tommy replied, surprised. His eyes narrowed as he saw Dream holding something behind his back. "What's that?"

"Catch," Dream responded, tossing the object towards him. Eyes wide, Tommy reached out and caught the object, falling backwards into the snow as he did so. He inhaled sharply as he realized what exactly he was holding.

"A trident?!" he exclaimed, marveling at the slender weapon he now held in his hands. The trident gleamed with enchantment, giving off a blueish-purple glow even in the daytime. "But these are extremely rare!"

"Yes, they are, and this one is enchanted to always return to you so you'll never lose it," Dream nodded, walking towards him. Tommy was too busy staring at his new gift to notice Dream drawing a circle in the snow until it was done. "What are you doing?"

Down with the King- Dream SMPOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora