33- Tubbo

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WARNING: Language and blood/ gore

He had been laughing at a joke Quackity had made when he saw Drista moving across the dance floor.

"Hey, Drista!" he called, waving her over. "Come join us!"

The queen seemed not to hear and he quickly excused himself from the group, promising to return soon. He pushed through the crowd after her, muttering quick apologies as he did so.

"Drista!" he called again, sure that she could hear him, but she did not respond. He frowned, wondering why she was ignoring him, and then he saw it. The green cloaked figure. His blood ran cold in his veins as he stared at the man who had caused him so much pain and suffering.

A cracking noise caused him to turn to the left and see Ranboo standing there.

"Ranboo?!" he asked in surprise at his friend who had teleported just next to him. "What's going on?"

"Tubbo, we need to get out of here!" Ranboo said frantically, grabbing his hand. "Things have gone terribly, terribly wrong!"

"Ranboo, what's wrong?" he asked. "Is Tommy with you? Where did you guys go? Why have you only just come back now?"

"The castle looks different," Ranboo noted, looking up through the glass ceiling. "But that's not important now! We need to escape while- oh no."

Tubbo followed Ranboo's gaze to where Drista was standing before Dream, but it wasn't the Dream that he recognized. He gasped in horror, recoiling from the sight of the distorted king. All around them, the revelers ceased to dance as they turned and saw the old king. The music cut off abruptly until the room was dead silent, people backing away to give the royals space for whatever was about to happen.

"This isn't good," Ranboo whispered in Tubbo's ear.

"What are you doing here?" Drista asked, her voice loud and commanding. It echoed through the ballroom and Tubbo nodded in approval at her brave front.

"This is my castle," Dream replied, his voice sounding just as distorted as his face. "Am I not welcome in my own home?"

"This would be your home if you were still alive," Drista responded. For the first time, her voice broke. "How? How are you alive?"

"You thought I was dead?" Dream asked, genuinely confused. Drista laughed bitterly.

"How could I not?" she asked sarcastically. "You disappeared for six fucking years! Now you show up out of nowhere and I don't know what the hell happened to you. I don't even know if this is really you!"

"Of course it's me!" Dream said. "Drista, I'm still me, your brother!"

"We can discuss this later," Drista shook her head. "As it stands, you are trespassing on royal grounds without an official invitation. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"You can't make me leave," Dream frowned. "I am the king-"

"No, you're not," Drista shook her head, backing away from him. "I am the queen. You will obey my orders. Do not make me repeat myself!"

"It's cute how you think you have power," Dream grinned. "You've really grown up."

Drista crossed her arms in defiance. "Guards! Please escort this man to the holding cells for questioning."

From their stations throughout the ballroom, the guards came forward, raising their swords and shields towards Dream. People gasped and moved away as they moved towards the center of the room.

"This isn't good!" Ranboo said again. Tubbo nodded in agreement, starting forward to stand behind Drista, but Dream spoke again.

"So this is how you want to play the game?" Dream asked coldly. "You want to make me the villain?"

Down with the King- Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now