My voice shattered, fragmented by the weight of despair, as I sank to the cold floor, my cries echoing through the empty house. Steve and Bucky reached out, desperate to offer solace, but I pushed them away, my pain too raw to bear their touch. Yet, they persisted, holding me steadfast, refusing to let me drown in my anguish. Steve enfolded me in his embrace, his words laden with sorrow, "I know. I'm so, so sorry..."

Rage coursed through my veins, fueling my desperate struggle to break free from the suffocating grip of their love. "Let me out... I hate you! Let me out!" My pleas were tinged with agony, born of a pain that threatened to consume me whole.

They understood, even amidst my anguished cries, that my words were a desperate plea for release from a pain too great to endure. Steve clung to me, his embrace unyielding, anchoring me to the shattered fragments of my world. The moments blurred, merging into an agonizing haze as my legs gave way beneath me, my body succumbing to the weight of my grief.

With tenderness and care, Steve lifted me from the cold floor, cradling me in his arms, and carried me to his room. There, in the refuge of his embrace, we clung to each other, our shared sorrow intertwining in the darkness. Exhausted by the tumult of emotions, I succumbed to a restless sleep, my dreams haunted by the specter of loss.

Two hours later, my eyes fluttered open, the heaviness of reality settling upon my chest. Reluctant to face the world outside, I hesitated at the threshold of Steve's room, yearning for the solace of solitude. But memories of Mia flooded my mind, and fresh tears welled up, threatening to spill over. My fathers, attuned to my pain, reached out to me, their arms enveloping me in a tender embrace.

Unable to withstand the weight of my sorrow, I crumbled in Bucky's arms, my cries tearing through the silence, unrestrained and agonizing. Bucky lifted me gently, carrying me downstairs with unwavering care. The question of the funeral hung heavy in the air, the approaching farewell that would extinguish the flicker of hope within my shattered heart. They spoke of the imminent goodbye, and I nodded, my tears cascading down my cheeks, my pain etched upon my face.

In that moment, Bucky's eyes mirrored my anguish, his grip tightening around my trembling hands. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he whispered, his voice quivering with a mixture of love and sorrow, "Baby doll, please stop. I know it's hard, but please don't do this to yourself..."

My voice barely a whisper, choked with grief, I pleaded, "You promised me..." His gaze met mine, a profound sadness etched into his expression, as he gently wiped away a solitary tear, a silent acknowledgement of broken vows. Clinging to him, I sought solace in his presence, my exhaustion threatening to pull me under.

Steve approached, his touch gentle as he rubbed my back, attempting to ease the weight of my sorrow. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks, a never-ending cascade of pain that refused to be silenced. They tried to wipe away my tears, their touch a bittersweet reminder of the love they bore for me. Yet, I buried my face deeper into Steve's chest, seeking solace in the embrace of their unwavering support. And in that moment, I sensed Bucky's own tears, unshed, for he couldn't bear to witness my suffering.

As I attempted to rise, to find a fragment of strength amidst the wreckage of my shattered heart, my legs betrayed me, crumbling beneath the weight of grief. Darkness enveloped me, and I succumbed to the void, consciousness slipping away as I slipped into unconsciousness.

When my weary eyes fluttered open once more, the world seemed to have lost its color. A palpable heaviness clung to the air, suffocating any semblance of joy. I longed to retreat from the outside world, to find solace in the solitude of my own thoughts. Yet, the memory of Mia lingered, her absence an ache that refused to fade.

My fathers entered the room, their faces etched with sorrow and a yearning for connection. I recoiled instinctively, flinching away from their outstretched arms. Fear mingled with my grief, a fear of letting anyone else in, a fear of facing the unbearable pain once more.

Their eyes held a mixture of understanding and sadness as they regarded me, their child lost in a sea of sorrow. I took a step back, attempting to distance myself, but their love would not allow it. With tender determination, they closed the gap, wrapping me in their embrace.

And then, as if a dam had burst, the floodgates of my emotions opened wide. Tears poured forth, a torrent of grief, anguish, and longing. Bucky held me tightly, his touch an anchor in the storm of my pain. Together, we descended the stairs, their presence providing a fragile sense of stability amidst the chaos.

The question of the funeral hung heavily in the air, a somber reminder of the finality of loss. In a voice laden with sorrow, they informed me of the impending farewell, a farewell that would forever mark the end of an era. I nodded, my tears flowing ceaselessly, the mere thought of bidding Mia goodbye tearing at the fragile threads of my heart. In my anguish, I sought solace in self-inflicted pain, biting down on the inside of my mouth and scratching at my hand, as if physical agony could numb the ache within.

Bucky's gaze fell upon my self-inflicted wounds, his eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and desperation. With trembling hands, he reached for mine, entwining our fingers together, silently urging me to find a gentler path. His voice trembled as he whispered through his own tears, "Baby doll, please stop. I know it's hard, but please don't do this to yourself..."

In a voice choked with sorrow, I uttered a broken plea, "You promised me..." His eyes met mine, a wellspring of unspoken apologies and an unbreakable bond. With tender care, he wiped away a solitary tear that cascaded down my cheek, a wordless vow to share my pain.

I clung to him, seeking solace in his warmth, my weary body finding temporary respite in his embrace. Steve approached, his touch a gentle reassurance against the tempest raging within me. Their love enveloped me, a fragile lifeline in the vast expanse of despair. Tears continued to flow, relentless in their pursuit, as they whispered words of comfort and love, their voices intertwined with my own sobs.

Yet, as I tried to rise once more, the weight of grief proved too much to bear. My body gave way, surrendering to the overwhelming sorrow that consumed me. Darkness claimed me once again, and I slipped into unconsciousness, seeking refuge from the pain that threatened to consume me whole.

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