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POV: Hae In

Location: outside Jungkook's apartment

Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Yes, I came to my cheat boyfriend's birthday party. I didn't want to come, but I felt like I should. Anyway, on with the story!

    As soon as I step in front of his door, I spotted the sign that was on the door. The sign read, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ME!"

    The sign had cute, little, bunny faces and doodles. It was obvious that Jungkook made the poster himself. That made it cuter.

    After enjoying Jungkook's birthday poster, I rang the doorbell. When the door opened, it shocked me. It wasn't even one second then -Boom!- the door opens. After being stuck in shock for a moment, I directed my attention to the smiling boy in front of me. Of course, it was Jungkook.

    Jungkook was wearing a long, black sleeved shirt with grey sweatpants and white socks. To top it all off, Jungkook was wearing a pink party hat with a purple covered rim and pompom. It was so cute. He looked so tiny.

    He seemed to be waiting for something, and I knew what it was. I didn't want to do what he what he was waiting for, but I promised him. Well he promised me he wouldn't hurt me, and he up and cheated. So, should I? I guess I should, but only because it's his birthday.

    After making up my mind, I did what I promised to do. I grabbed the ends of my skirt and curtsied like they did ages ago. After I straightened up, I smiled and greeted him saying, "Hello, Prince Jungkook, your princess is here." (A/n: I've never written such a cringy line in my life.)

    Jungkook smiled a child-like smile before bowing like they did ages ago too. He then locked eyes with me and welcomed saying, "Hello, Princess Hae In, I'm glad you could make it to such a wonderful occasion."

    Once Jungkook finished his sentence, he moved out of the way to let me in. As I walked in, Jungkook spoke saying, "I can't wait to open your gift."

    That's when I remembered about yesterday. I became very upset. A feeling of I-don't-want-to-be-here proceeded to come around. I shook my head and tried to get the feeling away. Still, part of it stuck with me.

    After I entered the apartment, Jungkook closed the door.

    "Where would you like me to set my bag?" I inquired while taking my shoes off.

    Jungkook chuckled and crossed his arms.

    "You've been over I don't know how many times, and you still ask where to put your bag. You already know the placed." stated Jungkook in a matter-of-fact way.

    "There's no problem with that." I remarked as I picked up my shoes.

    I then placed my shoes by the door and asked, "Now, where do you want me to put my bag, birthday boy?"

    Jungkook dropped his arms and smiled. He told me to hang it on the rack beside the door. I nodded and did as guided. After that, I faced Jungkook and gave him a little grin.

    I then walked to the couch and sat down. Things fell awkward after that. Jungkook and I didn't say a word to each other. As I was about to start conversation, we heard the doorbell. Jungkook slid over and opened the door. I turned around and spotted who arrived. After I noticed who it was, I began to panic.

    "Crap, it's his parent!"

    "Happy birthday, Jungkook!" happily exclaimed the couple.

    Even though his back was was facing me, I could tell Jungkook was smiling. Jungkook happily giggled and wrapped his arms around his parents. A little grin unconsciously spread across my face as I watched the three hug. My panic unconsciously faded away.

    Suddenly, Jungkook's mom and I made eye contact. The panic snapped back. My smile faded away. Jungkook's mom pulled away from the hug, which made the others pull away too.

    "Come on in." softly ordered Jungkook.

    He moved out of the way and let his parents in. After they walked in, Jungkook closed the door. Once Jungkook's parents took their shoes off, Jungkook's mom began speaking.

    "Is that your girlfriend?"

    Everyone then turned their attention to me. I awkwardly smiled.

    "Yes," I confirmed as I got up, "I'm Jungkook's girlfriend."

    I walked to Jungkook and stood beside him. The older held my hand and intertwined our fingers.

    I felt really awkward. Jungkook's parents didn't say anything. They were just staring at us. Mostly me. Luckily, someone rang the doorbell.

    "I'll get it." uttered Jungkook, breaking the awkward tension.

    Jungkook took his hand out of my grasp and turned around. After Jungkook reached the door, he grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door open.

    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEON JUNGKOOKIE!" exclaimed what seemed like a group of people.

    I turn around to see Taehyung, Jimin, and four others.

    "My bros!" exclaimed the boy.

    I chuckled at his random English. Jungkook let the boys in and told them to set the gifts on the island.

    After things were settled, Jungkook introduced me to his other four friends.

    "This is my roll model, Namjoon. Hyung, this is my girlfriend, Hae In." introduced Jungkook.

    "Hi, Hae In." spoke the boy.

    He stuck his hand out for me to shake.

    "Nice to meet you."

    "Same here." I agreed as I shook his hand.

    "This is my oldest friend, Seokjin. Jin hyung, this is Hae In." introduced Jungkook.

    "You're taking good care of my boy, Kookie, right?" inquired the quite handsome boy.

    "Of course."

    "This is my most caring friend, Yoongi. Hyung, this is my lovely girlfriend." smiled Jungkook.

    "Nice to meet you, Hae In." plainly uttered the boy.

    "You too, Yoongi, you too." I brightly uttered back.

    "Lastly, this is my sunshine, Hoseok. Hobi hyung, this is Kang Hae In." introduced Jungkook.

    "Hello, I'm Jungkookie's favorite hyung!"

    That's when chaos erupted.

    As I watched the six boys debate on who's Jungkook's actual favorite hyung, Jungkook's mom started conversation with me.

    "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier." apologized the woman. "I was checking how well you two look together."

    I knew it.

    "Don't worry about it. Past is past." I reassured giving her a somewhat fake smile.

End of part forty-four

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