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POV: Hae In

Location: inside the BigHit building

Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    "Hello, how can I assist you?" asked the lady at the reception desk.

    "Hi, um, I'm looking for Tomorrow X Together. Today is their one year debut anniversary, and I wanted to give them something."

    The lady glared at Jungkook and I like she was trying to figure out if we were creepy MOA or something.

    "I'm Kang Taehyun's older sister." I told the receptionist.

    "Ah, you're the sister!" declared the lady, shocking Jungkook and me. "Taehyun told me that you might be stopping by."

    The receptionist ended up telling me that the boys were in the practice room, doing something of some sort. I thanked her, and I guided Jungkook to where we need to go.

    "Before you even ask, I've been here a few times so I know my way around." I stated, not hearing one sound for a reply.

    I turn my head around and watched the boy examine the place, a child-like shine in his eyes.

   "The stupid butterflies are back!"  exclaimed the voice in my head.

    Jungkook and I were one turn away from the hall where the practice room was, but we stopped as we heard hollering.

    "Are they....doing karaoke?" implored Jungkook.

    I listened more closely to the noise, and I confirmed that the playboy was right.

    We then walked up to the door and watched the boys running around the room as they sang their hearts out. "We go in once this song's over." I guided, keeping my eyes on the idols. A minute later, the music stopped and so did the idols. I began counting down from three before Jungkook and I burst into the room while shouting, "HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!"

    Taehyun's face lit up before he ran to hug me. I shove the bag I was holding to Jungkook then wrapped my arms around Taehyun. Because of how quickly the boy ran to me, he almost knocked me over.

    "I knew you'd come, noona, I knew you would." whispered Taehyun.

    I could feel his smile forming, and that made me smile too. Taehyun and I pulled away before I called out saying, "YEONJUN!" My arms were wide open, and Yeonjun opened his arms too. I started speed walking to the eldest idol, but I diverted my direction and hugged Soobin instead. Soobin hugged me back as a shining smile came to his lips due to the so-called prank I pulled on Yeonjun.

    "Hey!" pouted Yeonjun, crossing his arms. "That was mean!"

    I didn't reply and kept hugging Soobin. I then hugged the other two before giving Yeonjun the biggest hug.  He gladly accepted it.

    "You're mean." uttered the idol.

    "Like you aren't." I uttered back.

    "Wait a second." spoke Taehyun after Yeonjun and I pulled away from our hug. "What is playboy doing here?"

    Jungkook's eyes widened, and mine did too.

    "P-playboy?" stuttered Jungkook, very shocked by Taehyun's question. "You told him I was a playboy?!"

    That's when things almost fell downhill.

    "We'll talk about it later, Jungkook. Now, Taehyun, don't be calling him that." I directed, trying to lighten the awkwardness.

    "You call him a playboy t-"

    "Kang Taehyun, we'll talk about this later."

    That's how that portion of our spent time together began.

    "So, what's in the bag?" asked the curious maknae as he began walking to Jungkook.

    Jungkook put the bag behind his back, which made Huening Kai stop in his tracks.

    "There's a gift in the bag." I stated, which made Beomgyu scurry over to Jungkook and put his hand out.

    "I'm not giving you the bag." declared the boy I came with.

    "Please, hyung!" whined the idol, a cute little pout forming on his lips.

    "How do you know I'm older?" implored Jungkook.

    "Your features look a bit more manly." simply uttered Beomgyu, making everyone shook.

    "It's true!" defensively remarked Beomgyu. "Can't you tell? Look at his jaw line. Any man looks a lot older with a strongly defined jaw line. Now, examine his eyes. You can clearly see there is something about them that makes him look older. Maybe it's the somewhat coldness in them. You can obviously spot his cheekies, especially when he smiles. Those make him look younger, and his smile makes him look young too. I mean his teeth are white and straightly a lined, but there's obviously yellow in them. There's like a tint of yellow. Like come on, you can tell this boy brushes his teeth twice a day. Maybe even three times a day!" Beomgyu announced, pointing at the parts of Jungkook he was talking about.

    The idol continued to go on about Jungkook saying, "Now, examine his stance. You can tell he's irritated by my rant right now just by his stance. He clearly has weight on one foot, which leaves the other to plainly remain there with it at an angle. He's poking his inner cheek with his tongue right now. It's obvious because you can see something poking his inner cheek. I bet you anything he's grabbing both hands behind his back right now, showing he's really irritated."

    Beomgyu paused and glanced behind Jungkook's back.

    "Ah ha!" exclaimed the idol brightly, standing up straight again. "I was right! He is grabbing both hands behind his back!"

    You would have hope that Beomgyu would have closed his flapper by now, but he wasn't done quite yet.

    "Now, back to what I was saying. I know you guys are shocked about what I'm saying. You guys are probably thinking, 'How did Beomgyu catch on to these things so quickly?' I'll explain."

    He took a deep breath before explaining everything.

    "I know I seem like I don't pay attention to much detail unless I have to, but that's wrong."

    Beomgyu grew a little smile when he spoke his next sentence.

    "When I meet MOAs at a fansign or on the street, I take in their presents. That's something that I have to do because I might not see that MOA again, and I want to cherish that time with them. So, not that I wanted to, but I unconsciously watched the friend you brought with you, Hae In. I took in his presents and, for some reason, try and piece him together. Sorry, hyung."

    Beomgyu bowed before walking off to Taehyun and stood a little behind him, showcasing he's a tad shy now.

    There was an uncomfortable silence before Jungkook spoke up.

    "It's okay, I get it."

    Beomgyu's face brightened.

    "You do?" cutely inquired the idol.

    Jungkook nodded.

    "Of course! From what you've explained, it seems as though taking in someone's presents is a -How do I say this without it sounding odd?- it seems as if it's a habit? I suppose that's the word I was searching for."

    Beomgyu then cutely scurried his way over to Jungkook and put his hand up. Jungkook understood that the idol wanted to high five so he brought his hand up and high fived Beomgyu.

    "You DID understand, my bro!" exclaimed the idol.

    Jungkook only smiled and spoke saying, "I told you I did, bro."

End of part thirty-two

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