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POV: Hae In

Location: her house

Date: Saturday, March 7, 2020

    "Come on in!" I greeted after opening the front door.

    Jungkook just nodded once and walked in. Once I shut and locked the door, I directed my attention to Jungkook. He was examining the room while he took his shoes off and put his coat on the rack.

    "Would you like anything to drink or something?" I questioned, feeling an awkward tension between us.

    "No," replied the boy, "I brought myself a water."

    Once the boy finished settling himself, I escorted him to my room. Things were silent until we got to my bedroom.

    "Just set your bag on the bed." I ordered, walking in behind him.

    He didn't say anything and just did as told.

    Jungkook then pointed at the bed. I understood what he meant and signaled him to sit down. That's what he did.

    "So," Jungkook began, "explain the playboy thing."

    I sighed. Before anything happens, let me give you some context.

    Jungkook and I agreed to talk about the playboy thing today because we decided it would be best. We could have done it after we visited with the TXT boys or the next day, but we just agreed on Saturday. Now, as you already know, it's Saturday. So, let's continue the story!

    "Okay," I started, "I call you a playboy. Not so much now, but I still kind of do."

    "Why? Why would you?" Jungkook asked, his tone sounding sad.

    "Because you are."

    The boy scoffed and crossed his arms.

    "Listen, that playboy stuff is just me being misread. There is so much surrounding that whole playboy title, making it a long story. Also, I really don't want to talk about that long story right now."

    Jungkook stood up and walked to me.

    "Hae In, it's a somewhat complicated situation. I will tell you since you deserve to know, yet I can't do that right now. I truly feel like you won't understand or believe me about my reason behind going from girl to girl. So, due to that, I'm not going to tell you. I will, and I promise you that. I just want you to know that I'll tell you once you trust me."

    "You have a point." I stated. "You have a point with me not understanding and believing what your reason is. I understand that you think I might think your reason is stupid. So I'm not going to bug you about it, but you have to keep your promise."

    Jungkook only nodded once and put his pinkie up. I intertwined mine with his as Jungkook spoke saying, "I promise."

    I felt those butterflies once again. I'm starting to hate these stupid butterflies, but I kind of like them. I kind of want them to stay.

    "So, what do you want to do now?" asked the boy, releasing my pinkie.

    "I wrote an essay for biology. I know we share the same class, but would you listen to it and give me your opinion?"

    Jungkook smiled and nodded.

    "Of course! I think I'm a pretty good judge of things anyway."

    After some time, I finished reading Jungkook my biology essay. He didn't say a word for like two minutes before finally giving his opinion.

    "I'll tell you one thing." stated the boy while getting off the bed. "It's actually really good. Still, I feel like you could change up one certain part. Wait, let me rephrase that. I feel like you should reword a certain part."

    We ended up sitting at my desk, and Jungkook helped me reword the part he was talking about.

    "Before I rewrite this part, tell me what you didn't like about it." I ordered in a soft yet serious tone.

    "It wasn't that I didn't like what you wrote, but I didn't care for the wording. I know that I'm not a professional at writing, but I know biology has helped with it."

    Jungkook then proceeded to give me information on what get's him through the biology essay assignments.

    "Listen, I know that Mrs. Lee can make essays hard. The thing that will give you a better chance at a perfect grade on the paper is the wording. Obviously wording matters with paper you write, but it really matters to Mrs. Lee."

    Jungkook continued to explain about wording and whatnot. It made me feel like I was in a composition class instead of biology. After my composition lesson from Jungkook, he finally helped me fix that one part in my essay.

    "Thanks, it never came to me that I could put it that way." I stated once I finished updating my paper.

    "Now you know how to word things better when you write, and you already have an A for the assignment." uttered the boy.

    "You really believe that?" I questioned, not trusting him on what he just told me.

    "Of course I do! I wouldn't have taught you a quick composition lesson if I knew it wouldn't benefit you."

    The two of us just grinned at each other.

    "What do you want to do now?" I asked.

    "Let's order some chicken and watch some T.V." Jungkook answered. "Also, don't worry about paying for the take out. I'll do it."

    The boy stood up and walked out of the room. Most likely to order the food.

   "He really knows how to give a girl butterflies, doesn't he?"

    That question ran through my head before I got out of my seat, a little smile growing on my face.

End of part thirty-three

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