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POV: Hae In

Location: cafeteria

Date: Monday, February 24, 2020

    After I got my food, I sat down at an empty table. Half way through eating, a boy came up to me.

    "You're Hae In, correct?" greeted the boy.

    "I think I am." I greeted back, smiling at him.

    I then signaled the unfamiliar boy to sit down. He didn't hesitate.

    "I didn't even introduce myself." stated the boy, saying it more to himself than me.

    "Hi, I'm Lee Minjun!" brightly introduced the smiling boy.

    "Well, hi, I'm Kang Hae In!" I introduced even though he already knows who I am.

    "So, I'm guessing you're wondering why I came over here." stated Minjun, turning his gaze to me on me as he took a bite of his food.

    "Maybe just a little bit, but I don't mind." I replied, happy someone came to sit with me.

    "Well," began Minjun, wiping his mouth, "I like this girl. I want to confess to her, but I need your help."

    I knew where he was going.

    "You want me to make you a heart for her right?" I questioned, excited I might be helping two people get together.

    "If you don't mind doing it."

    "Minjun, I don't care." I told him. "If my talent of making paper hearts will be used to help you, then I have NO problem."

    Minjun smiled at me, and I smiled at him.

    "Who's the girl you like?" I asked before taking a bite of my food.

    "It's Seohyun." answered Minjun, smiling as he turns his eyes to his food.

    "I know her!" I exclaimed, making the love struck boy glance up at me.

    "You do?" inquired Minjun.

    "We are in photography class together." I answered.

    "Well, in that case, would you do me a favor?"

    I nodded at what Minjun asked.

    "Hae In, would you ask her if she knows who I am?" shyly requested the boy.

    I chuckled at him.

    "Of course I will!"

    I smiled as Minjun smiled too. We then talked and ate until the bell rang.

End of part two

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