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POV: Hae In

Location: a few blocks from school

Date: Thursday, February 27, 2020

    "I'm not blushing!" I retaliated, pushing the boy.

    "Ever since you told me how you talked to your bias last night, you're face has been red." pointed out Jungkook, being his annoying self.

    "It's cold, the cold got to my cheeks, and now my cheeks are red. It isn't because of Yeonjun." I whispered the idol's name to make sure no one heard me.

    "First of all, that's a lie. Second of all, there is no one around us. You don't need to whisper his name." uttered the playboy, making me glare at him.

    I then continued to tell Jungkook about my conversation with Yeonjun last night. The call was really nice, and we got to catch up with each other. It wasn't just the cold that made my cheeks red, but it was also the remembrance of when Yeonjun low key flirted with me. I didn't tell Jungkook that part though.

    "I have one question."

    I just nodded, signaling Jungkook to continue.

    "Why is Yeonjun your bias? Wait, let me rephrase that. Why do you have a Tomorrow X Together bias?"

    "Why can't I?" I implored.

    "Because it's weird."

    I started laughing.

    "W-why are you laughing?" stuttered Jungkook out of embarrassment.

    "I didn't expect you to say that is all." I answered, trying to calm my laughter.

    The boy just rolled his eyes.

    "Well, it's not that I wanted a bias, but I guess it just happened." I stated, finally answer Jungkook's question.

    "Sure, let's go with that." sarcastically agreed Jungkook.

    I decided not to say a word. Every time I want to snap at the boy, Taehyun's words now come to mind.

    There was a silence between the player and I until Jungkook's phone started going off. I turned my head his direction and stopped in my place. Jungkook stopped too, took his phone out of his coat pocket, and checked who it was calling. He sighed before glancing at me saying, "Hold on a second."

    Jungkook walked a little bit away from me since he probably doesn't want me to ease drop.

    I was somewhat concerned about who called because Jungkook seemed to get....stressed? That's the only way I can put it. I ended up watching Jungkook talk to whoever. He seemed to get upset. Curiosity ran through me as I watched Jungkook. Once he ended the call, Jungkook shoved his phone into his coat pocket and walked my way. The boy didn't even stop, but he continued to walk and left me to catch up to him.

    "Who was tha-"

    Jungkook cut me off by replying with, "It was that cheating ex girlfriend of mine."

    I was shocked.

    "Before you even ask, she offered to split with her boyfriend if I want to try our relationship again." stated the angry looking playboy. "I told her once a cheater, always a cheater."

    "People change you know." I uttered.

    "Okay, how about I put it this way." spoke Jungkook while stopping in his tracks, making me stop too.

    "I'm not getting back together with her."

    Jungkook started walking away, which made me have to quicken my pace so I could walk beside him.

    "I'm sorry." softly apologized Jungkook.

    He seemed to calm himself down quite quickly.

    "It's okay, Jungkook, I understand." I reassured.

    "No, it's not okay." stated the aggravated boy.

    There was a little bit of quietness between us as neither one wanted to break it. Finally, Jungkook did, and every word he spoke shocked me.

   "I can't believe it."  uttered the voice in my head. "Jeon Jungkook ACTUALLY wants to open up to me. I guess I'm lucky, aren't I?"

    "Hae In, I've never been cheated on. So, I'm very- I'm very hurt. I've never cheated on someone. I could have many times, but I wouldn't do it. I knew it'd hurt the other person, and I knew I wouldn't want it done to me. So, I believed that if I didn't cheat, it it wasn't going to happen to me. I guess I was wrong. When I broke things off with the girl I was with, I felt sick to my stomach. She tried to lie to me even after I showed her the evidence I had. What really broke me was when her other boyfriend came up. It-it hurts, Hae In."

    Jungkook looked at me with pain filled in his eyes. I, for no reason, got butterflies. Not the typical butterflies, but they were some sort of rare butterflies. I guess you can only understand what I mean if you've had them.

    "Would you do something for me?"

    I only nodded as an answer.

    "Would you help take that pain away, Kang Hae In?"

    I could not believe what I just heard.

    "If you want me to date you or something, I-"

    "I don't want that. I want you to distract me." simply stated the boy.

    "How in the name of quokka Jisung can I do that?!" I exclaimed, a random frustration beginning to float throughout my system.

    "That's for you to figure out."

    Jungkook grew a small smile that also looked like a smirk.

    "This is why I hesitated to try to befriend you." I uttered, making Jungkook low key offended.

    "You hurt my feelings." pouted Jungkook.

    "Whatever, now let me suggest more Stray Kids songs for you."

    That's what we talked about for the rest of the way to school.

End of part thirty-one

Her Paper HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora