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POV: Taehyung

Location: Jimin's house

Date: Monday, February 24, 2020

    "Guess who I'm partners with for the photography assignment." I threw out there, keeping my eyes on the T.V.

    "I'm trying to focus on the video game, Tae, and you should too. I don't want to lose to chit chat." answered Jimin hyung, sounding frustrated.

    "Is a video game more important than your soulmate?" I implored, a tad bit frustrated.

    "Don't pull out the soulmate card right now because- TAE, KILL HIM!" Jimin hollered.

    It was too late. I died, and Jimin hyung and I lost the game. Hyung just stared at me with a look of unbelief and disappointment. I just stared at the ground.

    "We lost, Taehyung, we lost." sighed Jimin hyung, trying to contain his anger.

    Yes, he gets mad over video games. He's such a baby, but I  don't mind. I am too.

    "I know, hyung, but I just want-"

    I was cut off by my phone playing "Ring, Ding, Dong" by SHINee. It was obviously Hae In because, whenever that starts playing, it's her calling. Don't judge, she loves that song. (A/n: you should too.)

    I put a finger up, showing hyung to wait a second, as I answered the call.

    "Hey, Hae In, what do you need?" I answered brightly.

    "Would you tell Jungkook to meet with you at the park?" ordered Hae In, sounding very unhappy.

    "You know there are a lot of parks. Be specific, girl." I replied.

   "Kim Taehyung, I will hang up right now."  spoke Hae In through gritted teeth.

    "Just send me the location, and I'll tell him." I answered, sounding annoyed like I am.

   "Please don't be annoyed, I'm just angry. I'll explain later."

    Hae In then hung up and sent me the location to send to Jungkook.

    "What's going on?" softly implored Jimin.

    "Hae In needs me to tell Jungkook to meet me at the park because she knows he won't show up if she needs to meet him." I quickly explained, messaging Jungkook.

    "Wait, what now?" Jimin hyung spoke, sounding really confused.

    I sighed. After ending the conversation with Jungkook, I put my phone down then explained saying, "Hae In called me. She told me to tell Jungkook to me at the park. Jungkook will go to the park and see her not me. She probably knows Jungkook will not go to see her unless it's for a heart. Obviously, it's not for a heart because she asked me to tell Jungkook to meet ME at the park. Hae In sounded mad. Knowing that, she'll most likely murder his a** right then and there."

    Jimin was quiet, processing everything.

    "Do you know of any reason why Hae In would murder Jungkook?" he asked, a confused look still on his face.

    "They obviously don't like each other. They probably got into a disagreement or something." I answered.

    "Wait, didn't you tell me Hae In was going to talk to Seohyun about something?"

    That's when it hit me.

    "Seohyun showed Hae In the heart." I stated, eyes widened with shock.

    Jimin hyung was silent before gasping.

    "That's- that's crazy. Why would Seohyun show Hae In that?" questioned my hyung, sounding as shocked as me.

    "I'm as clueless as you are, hyung." I stated.

    I know you all are most likely to be confused on my and Jimin's reaction. Let me explain.

    Seohyun and Hae In are kind of close. They bond and all of that girl stuff. Well, knowing Hae In, she would beat up anybody who hurts someone she cares for.

    Here's how we know Seohyun showed Hae In her paper heart. Because Hae In wanted to talk to Seohyun then she called me mad. It makes sense. Plus, we know Seohyun keeps that heart in her backpack. I noticed her take it out and show one of her friends. I'm no detective, but doesn't it makes sense or am I just stupid?

End of part eight

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