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POV: Hae In

Location: Jungkook's apartment

Date: Tuseday, September 1, 2020

    "Alright, open my gift first." brightly demanded Taehyung while setting his present on Jungkook's lap.

    Jungkook didn't reply. He just opened the gift.

    "A camera?!" exclaimed the birthday boy. "You got me a camera?!"

    Taehyung nodded excitedly. Jungkook carefully set the box to the side before jumping up and hugging his hyung.

    Let me tell you guys something. This wasn't just a camera. It was a very expensive camera that is used for filming. Of course, Jungkook already has a camera. It was a very nice camera, and it films very well. Even though that camera is wonderful, Jungkook has been talking about getting a new one. So the fact that Taehyung bought this expensive camera means a lot to Jungkook.

    Now, let's continue.

    After hugging Taehyung, Jungkook opened Jimin's gift. It was a bag for the new camera. Of course, it was much appreciated. Namjoon gifted Jungkook notebooks, pens, and pencils. Namjoon explained that he believes they'll be good for Jungkook. Especially the pocket sized notebooks. Namjoon explained that they'd be good for Jungkook because he's always on the go.

    Hoseok gifted Jungkook a new laptop. Since the laptop Jungkook has is originally for school, he can transfer the non school related stuff on the other laptop. That way Jungkook's school files and Jungkook's non school files won't get mixed up.

    Yoongi gifted Jungkook some art supplies and homemade coupons. The art supplies was given because Jungkook has recently talked about how he really wants to work on his art skills. So, Yoongi bought him things to work on it. Then, Yoongi explained the homemade coupons.

    Jungkook has always wanted to get better at piano. Since Yoongi is really good at it, Jungkook wants to learn from him. Bad part is the fact that Yoongi isn't hard on him, and Jungkook doesn't like that. So, Jungkook hasn't worked on piano. Well, Yoongi made the coupons just for that. Each coupon is for a lesson. Yoongi also threw in a be-harder-on-me coupon that is reusable.

    Last, but not least is Seokjin's gift. He gifted Jungkook tons of snacks. Knowing that Jungkook loves snacks, Jin bought his favorites. It wasn't an extravagant gift, but it was still very thoughtful. Jungkook loved it.

    Now it was time for Jungkook's very exciting gift from his parents. Before that gift could be given, there was a knock on the door. Jungkook got up and slid to the door. Once he opened it, someone walked in.

    "Hyung!" called Jungkook happily.

    Jungkook jumped and clapped before hugging the guy who walked in.

    It was such a sweet sight. I smiled watching the two. Let me explain why Jungkook is so excited that the guy came. The guy is Junghyun, Jungkook's older brother. Junghyun isn't around all of the time, and he doesn't always have time to talk with Jungkook.

    The reason is because Junghyun works back in Busan. Jungkook told me what he does for a living, but I don't remember what it is. Now, the reason I know it's Jungkook's brother is because he looks like Jungkook. It's in the nose. You can't convince me otherwise.

    After Jungkook and Junghyun hugged, they pulled away and just looked at each other for a second. Junghyun put his hands on Jungkook's face and spoke saying, "You're only twenty today, but you still look like a baby."

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