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In the morning, he walked from the village to the town carrying thirty catty of vegetables and was busy most of the day. Now he was hungry, so he nodded.

Jiang Mao's temporary courtyard was a kind of ordinary or even a little simple and crude courtyard.

Jiang Mao stooped to unlock the door. He had to bow his head to get in, but Su Qingbai didn't need to. He happened to be able to walk in finely.

Jiang Mao's courtyard which he dwelled in was surrounded by small courtyards of different heights, so the light here was somewhat dim. Jiang Mao led him into the house and he was invited to sit down. Looking out, he wondered if the light was blocked because the house was surrounded, and it seemed like the sky was somewhat dusky.

Su Qingbai was a little nervous. He looked up and asked Jiang Mao, "What's for lunch?"

It's said lunch, but in a moment, it would be passed lunchtime. If Su Qingbai waited for Jiang Mao to finish it as soon as possible, he could go home soon after he finished eating.

Jiang Mao smiled. "Do you have anything you want to eat?"

Su Qingbai swallowed and said to himself: I want to eat meat. But when he thought of the extraordinary price of meat in this place, he said, "Anything is fine, you can make it simple. I'm going home after eating."

Having heard that, Jiang Mao nodded. "Hn, you'll be home before dark." After saying that, his hand's movement turned quicker to wash the vegetables.

Jiang Mao did make steamed bread very quickly. In a short time, he also cooked several simple dishes.

Su Qingbai smelled it and directly drooled. As soon as the dishes were on the table, he was impatient to pick up his chopsticks and eat them.

Never did he expected, no sooner had he swallowed the first dish than there was a sudden thunder outside. It didn't give them time to react, and then it rained like cats and dogs.

"Why did it suddenly rain?" Su Qingbai could not afford to eat anymore. He ran under the eaves, reached out his hand, and bawled. With a bitter look on his face, he turned to Jiang Mao and said, "How can I go home?"

Jiang Mao dragged him into the house. "Don't stay outside with the thunder and lightning."

Su Qingbai still had an unbelievable face. "It's just a bright sunny day, and it's raining in the blink of an eye."

Jiang Mao secretly thanked the rain in his heart, yet on the surface, he still comforted him by saying, "Now that it's like this, let's have a good meal. I'll give you another dish in a moment." As he pulled him inside, he said: "The summer is like this; thunder shower come and go quickly, maybe the rain will stop later."

In the end, Su Qingbai waited until it was dark but it was still raining and seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Su Qingbai bitterly nibbled on the chicken legs in his holds. Fortunately, he had chicken legs to comfort him. Sigh~ He didn't know what's going on at home. Was Su Caicai asleep?

In the evening, after eating and drinking their fills, Jiang Mao invited Su Qingbai to sleep with him.

Remembering that night in the capital, Su Qingbai stood in front of the bed, looking at Jiang Mao defensively.

Jiang Mao was helpless. "Then what to do? There is only one bed at home. It's not good to lay on the floor. It's raining heavily tonight and the ground is wet. You are sure to get sick if you lay on the floor overnight."

Su Qingbai had no choice but to follow Jiang Mao to bed.

Lying in bed, Su Qingbai was too vexed. He didn't know whether his Laozi and Niang would be anxious that he didn't go home; whether Su Caicai could sleep at night and would make trouble for his Dad and Niang?

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