thirteen. what's real and fake

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"Nini... I don't you can't possibly go in this state..." Teresa mumbles as she hands me the cloth to stop the bleeding. It takes all my might to not grab the scalpel from her hand and stab her eye with it. "Your blood isn't red anymore, why aren't you turning yet?"

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head. How could she just casually ask me why I wasn't turning into a flesh eating monster?

Instead of answering her and wasting my time on the girl, I abruptly stand up from the chair, and from the corner of my eyes I could see the blue eyed girl flinch. Huh. Does she think I would rip her eyeballs out?

"Gally," I call the broad boy who was already dressed in the WICKED uniform we had for the four of us who would enter the compound. "I'm done. Grab her and make sure she doesn't escape or anything while I get changed."

With a nod, he grabs the blue eyed girl and leaves to go into another room.

"I'm gonna go change in the bathroom!" I call out to no one in particular, grabbing the uniform from the table I had set it on. On the end of the wooden frame, Newt is quietly muttering words to himself, slightly grasping his hand as he releases what seemed to be a mixture between a gasp and a groan.

It's only been minutes— but his skin was getting way paler. The Virus was taking over him too fast— and the fact that we were all under an immense amount of stress right now would only speed the process of it.

I knew what he was feeling. Anxiety. It's like being hooked up to a cattle fence - not enough voltage to kill but sufficient to keep things uncomfortable. I guess that's the downside of knowing things are awry instead of living in blissful ignorance— like I was.

There is a stake being hammered into my lower back, the strikes radiating pain in a way that shatters my brain - or at least that's what if feels like. I look at myself infront of the mirror and there is a bit of black goo in the corner of my mouth, but I quickly rub it away and let in a deep inhale to process things out.

Thank god my brain was really fighting to save itself. However, my body has completely given up.

My tan skin had turned so pale that it was almost comparable to Brenda's. Brown eyes now black— the most black I've seen them, as my irises seemed to expand so much that it made my eyes look bigger. The veins in my neck were starting to darken, and a soft patch of ever so whitening skin surrounded my cheeks.

If it looked this bad from this angle, how worse could my body be?

I blink twice, coughing up a few drops of black liquid as I remove the giant jacket I wore. It's okay, I try to remind myself as I shrug the brown thing away from my shoulder. It's okay. Everything would be over soon.

As I feel the cold air hit my bare skin, I keep my eyes close in fear of seeing what I actually looked like as I removed all the layers of clothes cladded around my body. When I'm left in nothing but my underwear and a tank top, I open them.

I really wish I hadn't.

The bite on my leg was way worse than the what it looked like when I last cleaned it this morning. The skin surrounding the bite had turned rotten; it was starting to turn black. The veins that led from my leg to my thighs are covered in bulging black veins, the gray skin dried up and shriveled. The amount of damage on my bitten limb was way worse than the other one; but it doesn't mean that it was still good. It was bad.

Both of my lower limbs weren't mine anymore. They were dead.

Slowly flopping my tank top a few inches up, I flinch at the sight. The nerves that surrounded my stomach were blue; which I  knew was bound to turn black soon, and it was about to reach my chest. The skin on my stomach was so pale that it was almost gray like my lower limbs were.

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