fifteen. reunited

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Sudden gunshots echoed, which somehow triggers something in my brain; because without me controlling it, my body slams itself against the wall, rapidly attacking the glass like I was some sort of rapid gorilla. I wasn't doing anything— although my mind constantly told me to stop, go back to the two boys behind me so that we'd get Minho and Jisung back without much trouble, my body kept on hurting myself— so much, that there was a few cracks starting to form on the glass door.

My body threw itself against the glass viciously until Thomas and Newt pulled me away from it, their faces panic stricken. It suddenly stops, and I'm back with full control of myself.

I don't have enough time. It's just a matter of minutes before I lose a grasp of myself and go full term.

Janson stared at me back, a smirk growing on his face. He knew. Not like I expected him not to since I already did look like a flesh eating Crank, but the fact that he knew my weakness made me more stressed than I already was at the moment.

"Nini," Thomas starts, eyes drawn together as he examines my neck, which was probably clad with black veins right now. "Nini, you're—"

"Let's just run and get them, goddamit!" I hiss in annoyance, slightly unbuttoning the WICKED uniform in an attempt to ease the heat in my body that was starting to make me feel like I was being deep fried. They didn't have to worry about me; this was never about me. Saving Minho and Jisung came first, then saving Newt. This was never about saving me.

Nodding, Thomas runs ahead, and I walk past him, the pain in my head making it feel like there was something pumping my brain up and that it was about to explode any minute. The sirens were also a big pain in the ass, and I only looked straight at the ground as we silently passed by the WICKED Doctors and Scientists (many of whom I recognized, with some occasional memories of me bossing them popping up in my mind) as if it was the most casual encounter in the world.

I was a major criminal, an ex Doctor, a betrayer, a scientist, and a Crank. The slight attention I was getting from everyone didn't alarm me at this point; and what surprised me more was the fact that none of them tried to stop us as we headed to fetch our friends. Smart move— since we were the ones armed while they only had their scalpels.

Rushing through a single file line, I lead the two boys over to where my brain was fighting to remember, and it was so clouded that I only hope that I'm bringing the two of them to the correct direction.

With a gentle push from Thomas, and me snapping my head back for a single second to glare at him, we turned right into a darker room, staying in there for a moment as more and more guards filled the halls. They were searching for us, and unlike the Doctors from minutes ago, they were armed in so much more weapons that we had, so we need to lay low until they thinned out.

As we stay in the crouched position, suddenly, there is a pain in my shoulder that ramped up the from stiffness all the way to searing, blinding agony faster than I could blink. The pain was like needles that had been dipped in alcohol had been jammed through my skin, like my arm had been replaced with ice and electricity wired straight into my spine.

I grip my shoulder tightly, squeezing my eyes shut as I laid down slightly, my face hitting the floor as a few tears slip from my eyes. It felt like my skin was being ripped apart shed by shed, and I could only groan and curse as the excruciating pain shot through me.

"Nini, maybe I can—"

"It hurts," I hiss, trying to keep my voice soft so we won't give our location away as I blinked my tears away. "It hurts so much. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts Newt— I ca— I can't..."

I was too far gone to care if they see my cry. I don't care. It burns so much; I'd rather die right now than take another second of it.

It hurt too much. The only thing in my mind right now was to stop it.

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