thirteen. as love does

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I look at the old, beaten up, blue car that had a pair of bull horns infront of it. I don't know what I was expecting, because at times like this nothing surprises me anymore, but it definitely wasn't this one. With the way they talk about Bertha, you'd think she was a person.

But Bertha was a fucking car.

"You gave a car.... a name?" Jisung asked incredulously, probably thinking the same thing I did. Our group stood in front of the road, the lot of us giving the car a stare down. It was too small. There were eleven of us; the car was big but it wasn't big enough for all of us to squeeze in it.

Jorge had already went in the car, the engine sparking open every now and then. It seemed like he was still trying to make it work. Maybe it had been untouched for a long time.

"So, how are we gonna do this?" Minho rubbed his hand, his eyes scanning the group. We all stared at him with blank faces, which he somehow found hilarious because he grinned widely. "I, for one, think that Nini is the only smart one here. She should decide."

Resisting the urge to face palm, I raise a brow at Minho. "I was a Doctor, Minho. How am I supposed to think of seating arrangements? Thomas is good with this, not me."

Although I said that, I was, in fact, planning on how we could fit in the car. Frypan and Minho were the biggest out of us all so it would be a space saver if they would both seat infront, next to the driver. Teresa, Aris, Maya were all quite frail so they'd fit in the clumped middle seat— Xio, Brenda, and Jisung could probably fit in the second row of middle seats and me, Thomas and Newt could seat in the back.

"You just figured out a seating arrangement, didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes as I started to explain how we'd fit in. None of them complained, probably because Jorge was telling us to hurry our asses up, and eventually everyone was seated and the drive had started. During the ride, I noticed that Teresa and Maya had been talking, which was a bit of a shock to me since they barely talked before, but I didn't mind it at all. It was good to see that they were getting along.

The pang of nervousness that keeps on appearing and disappearing hit me again as Newt, who was in the middle between me and Thomas closed his eyes. For a moment I thought that he felt weird at me for crying my heart out— once again— to him; but the blonde boy started snoring mid drive which washed me over with a huge sense of relief. He was asleep.

Along the way, his head rested on my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile softly. Ever since we arrived at the facility I've been bothering him non-stop with problems of my own; it was nice to see that he was getting the rest he deserves.

The ride to the Right Arm was long but time goes by in fast forward and I desperately wished that there was a pause button on life so I could be with him forever, frozen in a perfect moment. Him asleep on my shoulder, calm and peaceful. For a split second, I forget that we were living in a crank invested world. It was just Newt; Newt and me.

Oh fuck.

Oh no.

Oh fucking no.

I was falling in love with him.

It seemed like it was ridiculous, especially since I wasn't sure of what Newt really was to me till recently, but I was falling deeply, annoyingly, in love with him.

I hadn't eaten for so long but I somehow forgot I was hungry whenever I'm with him. I'm sitting in silence with the Newt on my shoulder but I feel like it's one of the best  moments that I've ever experienced so far. I was extremely happy, just because he had his head on my shoulder, even though we were going through a crisis and everyone was trying to kill us.

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