twelve. drugs and dozes

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Nini closes her book, a smile forming on her face as she heard the source of the voice. "Yes, mom?"

Taking a beaker and mixing the chemicals in it, Rosamie doesn't look at her child and focuses on her task at hand. "What happens when the brain lacks oxygen?"

The four year old smiles, swinging her feet on the chair that was too big for her. "Cerebral hypoxia. It affects the largest parts of the brain, called the cerebral hemispheres."

"Good job, Jennie." her mother smiles, patting her head softly.

Nini pouts, looking at her mother with pleading eyes. "Please don't call me Jennie, mom. It sounds weird."

Her father, who entered the room, gave a disapproving frown at this. "Be proud of your name, Jennie. You were named after an amazing Doctor, just like how you'll be when you grow up."


"No, Jennie."

"These are the new arrivals, chancellors."

Infront of Nini and her parents were kids— lots of kids. Some were her age. Some were a bit older, and some were younger than her.

As her parents were busy talking to the guards, Nini found herself walking towards the kids, examining each one of them. Red hair and blue eyes, blonde hair and brown eyes, black hair and green eyes.....

Then she stopped.

Infront of her was a kid who looked like he was her age, who had brown hair and brown eyes. For some reason, Nini was drawn to him— she needed to ask his name.

"Hi," she introduces herself with a smile. "I'm Nini."

"I'm Stephen. Hi, Nini," he says, shaking the hand. Nini smiles, finally happy that someone had finally used the name that she was happy with.

Before she could say anything, someone had tugged her shoulder violently. The four year old's face dropped as she saw her caregiver.

Nini was under a strict rule that she wasn't allowed to talk to new arrivals.

"Go back to your room, Jennie."

"It's Nini," she hissed, stomping her feet as she walked past the Doctors and Nurses who were tending for the kids.

"Where are my parents?"

"That's for us to know, Jennie. You'll find out soon. Don't worry." her caretaker soothed her, but Nini couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. It's been a day, and she hasn't seen them yet. It was weird.

"Don't call me Jennie," Nini hisses, walking away to read her book. All she could do at the moment was hope that her parents were safe.

Walking down the halls, Nini ignored the looks that were being given to her by the doctors. She rarely went out of her room, and whenever she did, it would be a year, maybe a few months, if she was lucky.

"Nini, what are you doing here?"

Nini stopped walking. Someone had called her Nini. The frown on her face turned into a neutral expression as she tried to hide her happiness as she turned around to see who it came from.

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