fifteen. we're going to be okay

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It took me a moment to wrap my head around the whole situation we were in at the given moment. None of it made sense. How did they find us? It couldn't be anyone else since I was definitely sure that WICKED was the only organization that wanted us dead— the only organization existing, rather.

"Nini, come on! We need to go get the others!"

Thrown back into reality, I grab his hand as the two of us sprint back towards the camp, where people were looking at the sky confusedly like I was just a minute ago. Realization sets upon them, and the rest of the campers' eyes grow wide as they begin to grab bags or clothes, doing their best to hurry and escape the impending danger.

Vince appears in my line of vision, along with my other friends. The looks on their faces are all the same and I could sense that they're all confused as well, but Vince, on the other hand, was mad. His eyes were burning in fury and they seemed to worsen once he had caught a sight of me.

For a second, I was confused. But then he cocked the gun he was holding and pointed it straight to my head, his teeth gritting in anger. "I knew we should have killed you when we had the chance."

Newt places an arm around me and hides me behind his body, while Frypan, Jisung, and Minho jump towards the boy and stop him from potentially shooting my brains out. It made sense that Vince thought it was me that sold them out, but the fact that he was more interested in shooting me before dealing with the problem at hand annoyed me to no end.

Then, before any of us could say a rebottle, Newt's eyes flick upwards and widen in terror. "EVERYONE, GET DOWN!" he shouts, shoving me to the ground, shielding my body with his as the ground jolts, almost like an earthquake, and a loud explosion rings into the air, a fire growing just a few meters away from us.

Once the ringing in my ears stop, I look around frantically. People were screaming, crying, running for their lives as blasts of fire continued to rain down on us.

"Do you kids know how to shoot?" Vince asks, now not wanting to kill me since we were all in a bad situation.

"We're fast learners!" I scream at him over the chaos, and Vince nods, ushering us with a hand to go charge towards his truck. Before I could run over to the rest of them, an arm grabs my shoulder, and I turn around to see Newt with an expression I cannot read on his eyes.

"Go with Jorge and leave the camp, Nini. WICKED wants you the most."

Another blast of fire hits the ground, but luckily, it was far away from us. Did Newt really think I was going to leave them alone to save myself? No fucking way. "I'm not leaving! I'm going to hel—"

It was so fast. Another blast of fire hit a tent, and it made me stop in my tracks. Brenda's tent. Oh no. They hit Brenda's tent.

"I'm going to meet you guys later and help, okay?" I scream loudly. Newt looks hesitant, but he nods, running away from me to go help the Glader's out in their battle against the soldiers, who were now starting to jump out of the bergs coming from the sky. The same bergs that released those fire shots at us.

Avoiding the commotion, I ran behind the tents and near the rocks so the soldiers wouldn't spot me. Here I was, running again, when I thought that we would finally have the peace we desperately needed. From the corner of my vision, I see Thomas running towards the same way where I was headed to, and I quickly screamed for the boy, taking it upon myself to run faster and catch up with him.

"Brenda! Did you leave her in there?" I ask the boy while catching my breath at the same time. Thomas says nothing, probably out of shock and fear as we watch the tent burn down. No way. There was absolutely no way Brenda is dead. We can't lose another one, for heaven's sake.

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