They walked to a building but Katsuki stopped. He brought his arm up so _____ didn't walk past the alley as her breasts touch against his arm.

He felt them and blushed red.

"Stay back you idiot!" He said moving his hand down.

She rolled her eyes. She looked over and saw Sero and Sato.

"That's it? I'll take care of them." _____ said.

"The hell you me- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Katsuki yelled watching her cut her leg with the knife.

"Honestly it's like you forget every fucking second. Shut up and move." _____ said as Mineta and Katsuki watch as she takes out her own blood and bends it into a snake making it slither over to Sero.

"Hey man look at that!" Sato said looking down at the snake.

Sero looked over and smiled. "It's a snake? It looks so weir- AAAAHHH! GET IT OFF!" Sero yelled as the snake jumped on him biting his face.

Sato panicked.

"WAIT STOP MOVING!!" Sato yelled and started to hit Sero's face multiple time until Sero fell.

The snake then turned into multiple bats and flew around Sato as he yelled trying to get them away but..everytime he hit them they formed back so it was no use

He just ran around trying to get them to stop but then _____ formed her blood to a sword and was about to slice Sato's throat... until she remembered this wasn't real.

She just dropped her blood.

Katsuki looked at her.

"Hey! Why'd you stop that was funny!" Katsuki said but saw her expression.

"What the hell am I doing.." she said quietly.

"Aye you good? Come on we don't have time to sit around I'll get him." Katsuki said and ran off to Sato starting his explosions.

Mineta looked over at ______. But before he could say anything she left.

He didn't know what to do so he ran back to Katsuki as Katsuki dropped a passed out Sato next to Sero as he smirked.

"Bakugou!! She ran off!!" Mineta said.

"What!? That bitch! I don't need her and I don't need you fuck off." Katsuki said glaring and walked.

Mineta just followed him.

______ sat on top of the building looking down.

She looked at her hands.

"...I'm playing. This is a fucking joke! I should be out there continuing his legacy.. but I'm here pretending to kill Heroes.." _____ said as she glared.

She stayed there for a very long time.. not doing anything to help..

She was confused and upset about her future..not knowing what to expect.

The 'Villain group' continued to fight.

Izuku's group found the briefcase but it was protected by Kaminari Iida and Uraraka.

Katsuki met up with him along with Kirishima and the others.

"Kacchan wheres _______?" Izuku asked not seeing her with them.

"How should I know!? She left." He said glaring.

Katsuki just ran off into battle as Kirishima followed.

Tokoyami and Jirou did the same.

______ remained watching the battle before her eyes as she stayed on the buildings roof.

Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant