"Then work on something else. You're not getting a knife." He said and walked off as she glared.

She just walked to the gym equipment seeing a few of the guys using it. She got a bit annoyed having to do this.

"You gonna use that or stand there like a fucking tree." A voice behind her said.

She turned her head seeing Katsuki.

"They call you Bakugou don't they?" She asked as he glared at her.

"You don't get to call me anything filthy Villain." Katsuki said glaring at her as he grabbed the weight near her.

"Izuku calls you Kacchan. Is that your real name?" She asks as she grabbed a bigger weight then him as he glared at how easy she grabbed it.

"No it's not my fucking name. The names Katsuki Bakugou. Now move." He said standing infront of her.

She raised a brow. "Katsuki? That sounds a like girls name. And there's room to go around me princess." She said to him as his eye twitched at the pet name.

"THE FUCK YOU CALL ME!?" He yelled.

"God you're loud." She said she moved forward and placed her hand on his chest catching him off guard as he had no idea what she was doing but then she just pushed him out of her way as she walked off to work out.

"You bitch!" He yelled glaring.

She ignored him and just started her workout.

The rest of the day went just like that. Until school ended and they got dressed into their school uniforms and head over to the dorms.

"______ you'll be on floor 4 with Mina, Uraraka, and across from you Shoji, Bakugou and Kirishima." Mr.Aizawa said.

She looked at him annoyed.

Mina just took her arm and went upstairs.

"I'm totally helping you decorate your room!" Mina said smiling.

_____ sighed. "Sure why not." They walked upstairs and into the room next door to Mina's.

(I'm changing the layout. I know there's nothing in the middle between the boys and girls sooo I'm adding the public showers there. Girls on girls side and boys on boys side. Why? Cause I can. 😃)

Mina helped ______ decorate and put everything away as _____ smiled.

"I actually never had my own room like this..it's nice" _____ said smiling.

"Seeeeee I knew you'd like it." Mina said smiling.

"Come on let's go down and hang with the others!" Mina said pulling _____s arm and going downstairs.

They walked into the main hang out room and saw a few people already sitting.

"_______! I want to speak with you!" Iida said standing up seeing her.

Katsuki, Kirishima, Sero, Denki, Izuku,Uraraka and Jirou were all there.

"What do you want?" She asked looking at him as she and Mina sat down on the couch.

"I want to make sure there are no grudges between you and I! Being your class representative I need to make sure my relationship with my fellow classmates are good. Please let me know if you feel bothered by anything!" Iida said looking at her as she leaned back into the couch and looked at him.

"Seriously. I think I liked you better when you were bleeding. You don't have to worry about me. I don't need anything from you." _____ said rolling her eyes.

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