Round 29. (English version.)

Start from the beginning

Namire was the first to step on the arcade. She jumped in front of the arcade with a youthful energy. Al came out of the opposing team, who looked like a painting with a smile on its face. Yaguchi's mother then made a rather strange move. Even though her son told her to choose Terry, instead Bonne Jenet was choose. They see once to somebody select this character and lose with that. Ai's choice fell on Kim Jae-Hoon. They both placed the T. O. P. at the beginning of their HP. As soon as the match began, there was literally a fierce battle. Namire kept defending and trying to extort a special attack or a basic combo. In the beginning it seemed to pay off, because she won the first round with a Time Up. In the second round, her opponent switched on and played out successfully B. Jenet aurora attack, and struck back with the Raimei Dan combo. However, at the third round, Namire took a very strange move. She suspected that the opponent's Ultimate Attack could be easily interrupted, so she angered her to extort it. This seemed like a tactic that didn't work, but it paid off in the last ten seconds. Namire, as soon as she dodged it, immediately launched the Many Many Torpedoes Ultimate Attack, essentially taking the first point of the team. Shodan looked smiling. "You play very well, I have to admit that. However, this can only be the luck of beginners maybe? We'll see." "You said it, not me." answered Namire, while her second enemy, Karin stepped in the arcade, and choose Tizoc. The first round showed the true weakness of the bird-mask wrestler. Most of his grabs are totally predictable, and all he has to do is wait for the end, and counterattack, which is not really hard for the mobile B. Jenet. So Namire won the first round using the Gulf Tomahawk all the time, after Tizoc failed grab. The second round did not lead to any surprise, because Namire beat her opponent to the ground, but she used only basic combos this time. The crowd then encouraged her to continue, but she seemed not accustomed to this game. She was holding her wrist and massaging. Yaguchi felt familiar. When he returned to the games after a bit of a gap, this kind of pain moved to him as a roommate. The next opponent was Yuki, who sat down in front of the arcade, as if she were a princess. She selected Gato and she put the T.O.P. bar at the beginning of his HP.

This is where Namire lost her luck, because in both rounds, her opponent had learned this character tactics, and he kept deflecting her opponent's attack with the Fuu-Ga and Katsu-Ga double combo. However, it seems that Namire did not intend to make any further efforts, as in the second round she did not defend. The crowd applause the most oldest gamers in this tournament. Even she is defeated, she got two point, proving the fact, that age does not matter in video games. Yaguchi sat in front of the machine, but he had to face the fact that his voice was enough not to give up. Regardless of the condition of his fingers had not improved in that short period of time. It had been a hell of a pain to touch something at all. His thoughts should boil in. In one idea to give up, but then you spit in the face of your team, especially Oono, so it's not an option. There was only one way. He's gonna press the buttons with the ring and the little finger. However, this will greatly reduce your chances of winning, because, normally, the index and middle fingers are used to play in arcade games. Even if he does fight with this condition, he will prove that he is not leaving his friends in disappointment. But then someone sat next to him with his injured arm resting on her back. He looked sideways and saw who it was. "Akira Oono! I'm going to ask you to return to your seat." said R. Mika, but Oono has other plans. She held up two fingers in her eye, and then turned his wrist so that the two fingers would look like one. Daniel explained, after got a microphone. "I explain what my teammate wants to say. Since two fingers on the right hand of one of our teammates are severely injured, she wants the two to work together. Basically, Yaguchi will be the quarterback on the move, and Oono will be taking the punches. Two are counted as one, but once they lose, they can play another. So the problem is solved, and there are no big differences in the numbers. In addition, if this is confusing, in the semifinals, the reserve player become a normal team player." R. Mika listened, what he said, and turned to judges. "I ask the judges to decide on this proposal." Two minutes of suppressed silence followed that, but, at the end, the Ages Knights received permission to change. Morrisons hoped he'd have a great time, while Lillith was wondering how the couple was in sync. She wanted to know how much her younger daughter loved this man and how hard it would be for her in future's plans. Of course, not only was there a conversation, but inside the teams too. "Oono. Are you sure about that?" ask Daniel. Her eyes said this." I trust my partner, and together we will overcome any obstacle." That's when Shodan stepped in front of them. "Well, well. I'm surprised. that's why I like playing video games with my sister... I mean, my team." Yaguchi looked them. She's not lying. "We're happy to entertain you." said Hidaka with cynical voice. "Come on, we're telling the truth. It's too bad the beast-finger Yaguchi had his talented hand broken." "How do you know about this?" Daniel asked. He thought no one knew. They even lied to the organizers that it was an accident. "Team Yomi's leader, Chikuron told me." Daniel's just had enough, and if he confronts the guy, he's gonna have a few words for it. But he had to put that aside, because the P. A. said the break was over. It's time to make it to the semifinals.

Yuki waited patiently for the two opponents to sit down and hold each other properly, making it impossible for one of them to break they word by accident. Yaguchi selected Tizoc, when Oono looked him. "I know you well enough to know your choice. You like grabber characters all the time. That's why I choose." She just nodded and confirm the selection. The T. O. P. meter was center both playes HP, and the Tizoc vs Gato match started. At first, the couple seemed to handle the bird-mask wrestler well, but the appearance was deceptive. Gato quickly got the hang of things, and kept waiting for Tizoc's grip to the air, and then he attacked the Fuu-Ga technic, which was combined with other techniques as before. Then, instead of playing, Yaguchi watched Oono's hands at what pace she pressed the buttons and tried to get the right directions. But that didn't work, and now they've lost the second round. They only have one more shot at this game. He hid Oono's breast and listened to her heartbeat. This was immediately followed by a good, thorough hairline, and the her disapproving look, which is a clear message. "We don't have time for romance or perversion." "You misunderstood, Oono. "Apologised Yaguchi with one hand waving. "My real goal is to be in sync." She raised her eyebrows, asking what he meant by that. "If we want to win, from this point forward, we have to push the buttons in full alignment and set the right direction. We have to play as one. So to speak, it is also a test of how strong the relationship between the two of us." Oono understood the hint, and after a quick kiss, they continued to play. Everything remained on this game the way it was before, but now the pair is much tougher to beat. They kept pressing the right combos, now looking at each other completely. As a result, Gato was now permanently cornered and tried to defend himself, but in the first round, a Justice Hurricane, and in the second round, a well-timed Big Fall Griphon knocked Gato down. That leaves only two people left. in the midst of the applause, Morrigan steped in, and selected Hotaru and set the T.O.P. meter for the final third of her H.P. In the first round, a surprising thing had already happened. Because the young girl-warrior knocked Tizoc down with a great grab called Shajo Tai. However, this pair was only more heated because in the second round they won a Miracle victory, which was Perfect for other fighting games. The third round was now all the way to each other, and they were trying to get each other to make mistakes. This delay was broken by Tizoc with an Olmypus Over, which was perfect, and with only one well-aimed Big Fall Griffon, they crowned the match and brought their victory. Now all that's left is Shodan. he came to the pair with all elegance and smiled at them. "It's gonna be pretty interesting fighting two people. But Everything has to start from somewhere, right?" She asked and showed them her fists. They returned the fisting and began the fight. Shodan choose B. Jennet and place T.O.P. at the first third of her H.P. Yaguchi and Oono stayed with Tizoc. At the first round, Shodan's talent was visible, because super move was bypassed by Tizoc, but after the end of time he had more H.P. By the second round, she couldn't fool the masked wrestler and didn't try to hurt him with a grip, but he attacked with drop kick. Finally, Tizoc won the round with a successful Griffon Tower and a subsequent Griffon Hugg. At third round, Shodan wanted to do everything he could to defeat her enemy, but despite the Too Many Torpedoes, using both power meter, Tizoc still had one percent HP left. Then Yaguchi and Oono successfully pressed the Big Fall Griphon ultimate, that devoured the entire meter, but knocking out B. Jenet.

With this, the AgesKnights has made it to the semifinals. Shodan wiped her tears and congratulated the couple and wished them to win the tournament. Each member of the Earthquakers hugged members of the opposing team. They weren't mad at them for beating them. Namire even kissed them on her cheeks. But when the Ages Knights left the stage, they saw the team they hated the most.

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