08. Challenge

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The next day


Jaebeom groaned. Switching on the bedside lamp, he looked at the alarm clock.

It was 8 a.m!

Why the hell is someone calling him at 8a.m?

Grabbing his phone, he looked at the caller I.D.

Why is she calling me?

Answering the call, he placed it on speaker.
"Annie? Did you forget the time zone again?"

"Don't try to pull the time zone card. It is 8 a.m in Korea. You should be up by now." Jaebeom heard a faint click of the tongue. He could picture her shaking her head.

Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer. When Jaebeom held a photo gallery in America, she approached him and invited him for a cup of coffee.

They went to a cafe that was tucked away at the end of Fifth Avenue. The faint smell of lavender and chamomile making Jaebeom relax. Stacks of vinyl records lay beside the record player that was playing, soul music filling the ambience.

Maybe it was the way she listened to Jaebeom. Maybe it was her eyes. Shining grey, just like her hair. They held flecks of silver, wise and kind. Maybe it was the way she carried herself, casual and confident. A force to be reckoned with.

All in all, Jaebeom felt comfortable with her. So much that he found himself sharing about him taking a break from his music career, him leaving Korea and his parents' passing.

The smile that followed after was what made him realise he gained a friend, a mentor, a mum. It wasn't one of pity or sympathy. It was one that told Jaebeom, 'You did well.'

Jaebeom flopped back on the bed.

"I am up now. What do you want?"

"Don't try to trick me again. I know you are burrowed under your blanket."

Jaebeom popped his head out.

Damn, she knows me too well.

"Go get yourself a cup of coffee first. If not, you won't focus.

Rolling out of his blanket burrito, Jaebeom grabbed his phone and walked to the kitchen. He pressed a few buttons on the coffee machine, the machine whirring to life.

Placing the phone near the machine, he said, "Madame, I hope that this suffice as sufficient evidence that I am making coffee."

"Give me a second. It is only 7p.m. here. I'm not drunk enough to listen to your sarcasm yet."

Jaebeom laughed. "Next time I return to New York, I will be sure to bring you bottles of soju."

After finally settling at the table with a cup of coffee and some toast, he raised the question.

"So why did you call me?"

Considering how she wants to ensure that Jaebeom pays attention, it must be important.

"I want you to be the director and main photographer for my friend's documentary."




When shooting documentaries, the rule of thumb is that no matter what subject matter you are shooting, you have to keep the role of the subject in mind.

But Jaebeom doesn't take much photos of people. Let alone film them. He prefers scenic shots.

Sure, he was mentored by Annie. She is best known for her engaging portraits, particularly of celebrities, which often feature subjects in intimate settings and poses. So, Jaebeom does know how to take some portraits.

Sure, he has also done a few photoshoots. High profile ones too. Jay Park, Yugyeom (he is the most anticipated newbie), Jessi...

But it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't have much experience of his focus solely being on the subject.

"You heard me correctly."

"But Annie... You know that I have little experience in making a documentary."

"I know that. I want you to challenge yourself. I saw you at the Seoul Music Awards. I could tell that you are breaking out of your shell."

Jaebeom was stunned. He didn't think that she would follow up on what he was doing.

He smiled, feeling a little touched. She appears gruff on the outside but she is actually a real softie on the inside.

"By challenging yourself, you would be more exposed to what life throws at you. By being more open, you would be able to break that shell even further.

Your eyes would no longer be veiled by the pains of life. Instead, they would start to open and register what makes life so beautiful."

Munching on his toast, Jaebeom pondered. What makes life so beautiful?

A picture of Jackson suddenly popped into his mind.

He shook his head fervently. Focus!

Annie continued talking, breaking him out of his reverie.

"Plus, you would feel more comfortable since you have a degree in film. Put that degree to good use!"

"Yes ma'am!" Jaebeom shouted, as if answering his sergeant.

He heard a clutter on the other end of the call, followed by some curses.

"You fucking scared me! Although I am old, I am not deaf."

Jaebeom laughed. He could imagine her rolling her eyes.

"I will email you the details. Now go eat your breakfast."

"Got it. And Annie?"


"Thank you."

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