13. Team Wang

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After the tour, Jaebeom was about to reach for his phone to type in some notes when he realised that he still hadn't bought a new phone. Thus, instead of heading home, they decided to head to a nearby phone store.

As they neared the entrance of the building, Jackson briefly trailed his hands at the letters. "You know, since I was a child, I always believed in 'Knowing Yourself, & Making Your History.'

Jaebeom directed the camera in Jackson's direction. However, he lowered it. While the camera captured Jackson and what he said, it wasn't within Jackson's line of sight.

Jaebeom wanted Jackson to feel like it is conversation with a person and not a camera. He sincerely wanted to know Jackson more. Not for the documentary but as a person.

Jackson smiled wryly. Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes.

"I grew up in Hong Kong in this really sporty family. My mom is a world-champion gymnast and my dad is an Olympic fencer. My brother used to be a rugby player and gymnast too. I started out as a fencer. Even when I was an athlete, I was always motivated by music. I'd play around with Garage Band, and dream about pursuing music. And then one day, the chance presented itself to me: casting agents just came to our university. I was studying in South Korea at the time. They hit me up and said, "Do you want to be a performer?" And I was like, why not?

I just graduated from university and was about to return to Hong Kong for my fencing matches at the time. My parents said, 'You have a bright future ahead of you. Why would you even want to do this? It is not a smart move.' But I just thought to myself, life is too short. I auditioned for six or seven months before I qualified. Then they said they wanted me in South Korea right then.

I went back to South Korea and I went through this crazy training process. I had heard the stereotype that everything there was manufactured, was a machine. But it is not. People who say that don't even know what they are talking about. Their system to me is the best in the world. Why do I say this? Because it is a system that imagines you are a tube of toothpaste. You have to squeeze everything out. They will push you to the fullest and evaluate you every week. But by doing that, you pass the mission, and you stay. If you don't, you go. It is like in and out, in and out, in and out. It is very simple: easy in, easy out. Under that kind of very stressful training system, you get the best of yourself.

Tfirst song I did for a talent show was "Where Is The Love?" by the Black Eyed Peas. I didn't prepare; I just free styled that. That is when everything started.

My solo career started out with a campaign for Fendi I did in 2019. At the time, I was still trying to do my own solo stuff. I had no music released; I had nothing. But through modelling, Fendi and I became friends. And then when I started to release my music, they were like, 'Oh Jackson, you are capable of doing that?' They watched me grow as a friend. Their vision and attitude are very similar to mine: They don't try to imitate. They keep it original.

Eventually, I started Team Wang in 2020. When I first started it, there were only two people including me. But there are about 60 to 70 people working right now. "

Jackson opened his eyes.

Those beautiful brown eyes shone brightly. As if polished amber in the first rays of dawn.

"Team Wang provides more imagination than a brand you know. It's a vision.
As a brand "KNOW YOURSELF, MAKE YOUR OWN HISTORY." It's time to let the official member population rise.
That is why I wanted to make a documentary. I wanted to show the process of these 2 years. From the start to the finish."

The tone in which Jackson spoke. His facial expressions. They all overwhelmed Jaebeom.
He could feel the intensity of Jackson's determination.
And his heart surged with a sense of pride. His determination to make the documentary perfect strengthened.

Turning off the camera, he stepped forward and gave Jackson a hug.

Jackson stumbled back a bit. Surprised, confused, but nonetheless hugging back after a few seconds.

After a while, Jaebeom pulled back. Seeing Jackson tilt his head, puzzled, Jaebeom just smiled tenderly.

Patting Jackson's head, Jaebeom said softly, "you know that you are amazing right?

You are doing well and will continue to do so in the future."

With his arms still wrapped around Jaebeom, Jackson clutched the back of Jaebeom's shirt tightly.

Overwhelmed by Jaebeom's belief in him, Jackson felt incredibly happy that he was at a loss of words. Only managing to thank Jaebeom.

Jaebeom didn't mind though. Because of the smile that Jackson had on his face.

That smile being the prettiest Jaebeom has seen for a long time.

One that he hopes he would get to see more in the future.


After they reached home, Jaebeom went to his room. Taking out his laptop, he transferred all the data and plugged in the backup SD card.

His phone was soon flooded with messages. While waiting for the messages to load, he decided to take a shower.

Drying his hair with one hand, he scrolled through the messages using his other hand.

He smiled upon seeing the sneak picture that Jackson took.

This boy...

Just then, Annie requested to video call him. Accepting the call, to his horror, he was blasted with her shouting.

"I called you ten times! Why did you not pick up? Are you doing something with Jackson? You better not lay your nasty hands on him. Or else..." Annie moved her hand across her throat.

Jaebeom rolled his eyes. Stepping out of the room, he went to find Jackson so that Jackson could talk to her as well.

"Look old hag. I didn't pick up your call because my phone fell through the gap of the elevator. Again. I just got a new phone a few hours ago. And should you really be shouting right now? I think you are going senile." Jaebeom smirked.

Walking into the kitchen, he saw Jackson pouring a glass of water. Motioning Jackson to come over, he mouthed to Jackson that Annie was on the phone.

"Don't curse me! I am still healthy as ever! In fact, I can prove it to you by booking a flight right now and come over to kick your ass."

"Try it if you can." Jaebeom stuck out his tongue, smiling mischievously. Knowing that Annie was going to nag him, he quickly handed Jackson his phone.

"Why you--Jackson!" Jaebeom rolled his eyes at how fast Annie changed her tone.

"Annie! I missed you!" Jackson greeted her happily.

"I missed you too!"

Jaebeom threw his hands in the air. So I'm the third party now eh?

"Why didn't you tell me that Jaebeom was going to make the documentary?" Jackson pouted. Jaebeom went to sit beside Jackson, curious as well. Annie didn't tell him he was making a documentary about Jackson either.

Annie averted her gaze.
"My bad haha..."

Jaebeom knew that there was more to it. But he decided not to press the issue further.

"Looks like you are really getting old on age huh? Forgetting things so easily." Jaebeom smirked. Needless to say, this was followed by Annie swearing vulgarities, Jackson laughing at their banter.

A/N: In case anyone wants to read Jackson's interview that I had adapted!
It is not exactly word for word. Some of it has been adjusted by the interviewer on the site for grammatical errors etc while I have also adjusted it to fit the flow of the story. E.g., Team Wang was started in 2017. But I adjusted it to fit my storyline since in my story, Jackson was still studying in 2018 (where he first saw Jaebeom).

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