03. New beginnings

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Present (2022)

Jaebeom was enjoying his warm bed, snuggling with Nora (A/N: his cat btw), when he suddenly found himself soaking wet.

Setting down the now empty bucket, Jinyoung took out his phone and played the recording labelled: Jaebeom's 'special' alarm.

"Wake the fuck up Jaebeom!"

The recording kept playing, causing Jaebeom to groan. Rolling over to the dry side of the bed, Jaebeom burrowed under his pillows and tried to go back to sleep.

But it didn't work since Jinyoung connected his phone to the Bluetooth speakers, the recording louder than ever.

Jaebeom swore under his breath. He is regretting his life choices. One of them being to teach Jinyoung how to use his Bluetooth speakers.

Jinyoung smirked, looking down at his list for the day.

Morning routine: Handling Jaebeom ver.

1. Splash Jaebeom with a bucket of water: Check

2. Play recording on phone (to annoy Jaebeom): Check

3. Make breakfast:

With that, Jinyoung left the room to make breakfast, bucket in hand.

Jaebeom got up from the bed reluctantly and paused the recording.

He walked to the toilet, sleepily washing up. Not bothering to brush his bed hair, he went to help Jinyoung set the table for breakfast.

As they started eating, Jinyoung, being Jaebeom's manager, updated Jaebeom his schedule for the day.

"You are attending the Seoul Music Awards. It starts at 6.00pm. We are going to start doing your hair, makeup and outfit change at 2.00pm."

"Wait, why do I need to attend? My hiatus hasn't ended." Jaebeom furrowed his eyebrows.

It has been 2 years since his hiatus started. He is surprised that people even remembered he existed. Moreover, take the effort to invite him.

"You are their sunbae! Of course you need to go support them." Jinyoung smirked.

Jaebeom groaned. Sulking, he ate his food.

After his breakfast, Jaebeom walked back to his bedroom.

However, he found himself standing in front of another room. The room that was his studio.

Perhaps it was because today is the first day that he is sort of returning back to the music industry. Perhaps it was because it has been kinda long and he needed to ventilate the studio. But no matter how many reasons Jaebeom gave himself, in his heart, he knew that it was because subconsciously, he longed to compose music again.

When he started composing music, he was still living with his parents. Since there was an empty room, the family decided to convert it into a studio for Jaebeom.

He remembered when he bought all the equipment. Single handedly moving it into the room. Sitting on the floor as he unwrapped and pieced them together. Setting up the equipment. Proudly showing it to his parents when he finished.

Although he moved to the US, he could never bring himself to sell the house. The house was more than just a house. It is filled with memories of him and his parents. He left it all in their original state. The studio, the house, everything. He continued to pay the property management fees etc.

He came back to Korea half a year ago and bumped into Jinyoung, his long-time best friend. Jinyoung was a model but wanted to retire. Nevertheless, he didn't want to leave the industry. Thus, he took up the role of being Jaebeom's manager. They lived together more as brothers than a singer and his manager.

Jaebeom stood in front of the door for a minute before opening the door. Switching on the light, he hesitantly took a step in. His hands trembled as he slowly took away the white sheets that covered the studio.

The notebook which he used to compose music was still there. It contained random lyrics, thoughts and memories that only he knew. He tentatively flipped the cover before retracting his hand.

He knew everything was still in place. But seeing his studio again, his safe haven, his comfort zone, everything hit him hard.

Sitting down on the floor, he hugged his knees. He bit his lower lip till he tasted a little blood. Choking back a sob.

He hardly cried after his parents' death.

Perhaps it was because there was no one who could comfort him like his parents could.

In that moment, he let out all his pain. The choked sobs didn't stop, having been bottled up for so long.

(A/N: If crying helps you, you should cry. If you put a strong front, bottling up your thoughts and emotions for too long, you would feel overwhelmed and explode. What you thought was bad would be nothing. It gets much worse when you explode.
That is what happened to me. In the end, when I am overwhelmed, I end up crying in my sleep. Without even realizing.
Don't be afraid to cry. Crying doesn't make you vulnerable or weak. It is just one of the ways to feel better. And you shouldn't feel bad for wanting to feel better.)


Jinyoung had brought Jaebeom to the salon, getting ready for the award show.

The team finished doing his hair and makeup. Jaebeom was about to change into his outfit when Jinyoung gave him a cup of Americano.

"Thanks Jinyoung." Jaebeom grinned.

Jinyoung gave him a pat on the back, signalling that it was no problem.

Just as Jaebeom was about to walk away, Jinyoung said, "I heard you in your studio earlier."

Jaebeom stopped in his tracks.

Jinyoung walked up to Jaebeom, placing a hand on his shoulders.

"Jaebeom, you will find your passion to do music again. I don't know when. I don't know how. But I believe you will."

Jaebeom kept quiet. Focussing on sipping his coffee so that he doesn't tear up.

Seeing Jaebeom shuffle his feet awkwardly, Jinyoung cast a tender smile.

"Music comes from within you. It is a part of you. And you will find that part of you. I will support you every step of the way."

"Eommaaa!!!" Jaebeom whined, trying to joke. But the tear that trickled down his cheek betrayed him.

Jinyoung hugged Jaebeom, gently patting him on the back just like a mother would do.

Breaking their embrace, Jinyoung brought Jaebeom back and sat him down. Getting out the makeup remover, he wiped Jaebeom's face.

"Look at you, your makeup is all smudged now." Jinyoung joked.

Once he was all done, Jinyoung gave him a smile. "Let's go get you ready."

Jaebeom nodded, grateful for having such a good best friend.

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