Chapter 32

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Evelyn's PoV

I felt a sudden surge of jealousy when I saw them in an embraced. Aiden hugged the lady, kissed her forehead and she looked really comfortable in his embrace. A sudden feeling shook me from within.

They both started in their banter and only then a noticed a smiling Eric standing a few steps away from them, watching them with tears in his eyes.

Our eyes met for a mere second, and he immediately wiped away his tears, composing himself, ofcourse hiding his burst of emotions from me.

"Adie, you are not gonna do this with my brother for the whole of the life time." I heard her tell, punching Aiden lightly on his stomach.

The comment made him go all pale and soon he distanced himself from the woman, his eyes filled with rage, and his hands shoving into his hair roughly.

"Listen, D. I don't give a shit about your brother. It's a non-negotiable deal, you promised that you won't ever bother our matters. Keep your words" he said, clenching his jaw.

"Ok ok.. stop being rude, Mr. Adie. You don't talk to him but don't forget, I am gonna be around and my Sha will too. You have to deal with me and your favourite niece" she smirked and only then I realised that she was like a sister to him.

"Yup my only niece, that's apparently my favourite, my princess, your Shay. " He said, chuckling.

I smiled at him and took a step forward, D glanced at me and her eyes widened, "Fuck she is beautiful" she said, truly astonished.

"Oh..that she is, My Wife, Evelyn and she is my only sisterly friend Diana Richard" Aiden said smiling brightly.

A huge smile broke on my face, "you are beautiful, Ms. Richard"

"No.... Just no... No... I am not Ms. Richard. Call me D, Dia, Diana or anything but not Ms Richard." she yelled, that took me by surprise and I flinched away.

"Oh Shit. I scared you, Shit! Shit! Listen Evelyn, I am too loud to be a ladylike woman. I am gonna be enthusiastic as hell and make that a habit of flinching away from me cause darling I love you, already and when I love anybody I am over them like really all over them" she winked, and chuckled when she saw me glancing at her nervously.

I smiled, took a step forward, and she pulled me in her arms, again taking me by surprise.

"I fucking love your wife, Adie. You better be treating her good or else I won't spare a second to beat you up, like old times" she warned Aiden which ofcourse caused me to laugh aloud.

I earned a glare from Aiden but he smiled watching me laugh, chuckling thereafter.

"Eric , where is Sha?" Diana turned and asked Eric about her daughter I guess.

"She is with her nanny. Hmm...I think we should get going. She must me tired" he said nervously looking at Aiden who by the way had a fist balled up.

"Ok... You are right for once brother. I will be back tomorrow, Shay will be so happy to meet you." She said pulling me and Aiden in a hug, kissing him on his cheeks and practically rushing towards Eric.

I was looking at them , when I felt, a sudden tug on my hand. I glanced at the hand that was holding mine. It was Aiden's, I looked at him and found his eyes shining brightly , the happiness was purely displayed on his face. He was definitely too close to Eric and his family and that's for sure. I just need to find out some way to get to know their cause of wrath and make them see how badly they need to move on.

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