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Christian and I looked at each other.


Things were not very good with my friends, but at least I had Christian to help me solve this case and close it for once and all. We had three weeks till our internships ended and we had to go back to Austin then.

"What are our pans for ahead?" I asked Christian.

"Well, you told me about an ex-boyfriend of Rose's who Kathleen had mentioned. I was thinking of going and talking to him."

"Yeah, let's do that." I told him and he glared at me.

"Just me." He said very slowing pronouncing every syllable.

"I am going with you. You took as a consultant on this case. Forgot?" I said showing him the batch he had given me.

"You are very hard. Detective miles look into him and give me his address as soon as possible," he said to me, then turning to his agent.

"Actually, it will take me only a few minutes so if you guys can wait, that would be much appreciated." Detective miles replied typing fast on his computer. His actions were similar to that of Sophia. It had been a long time since I talked to Sophia.

"Here you go." he said passing a note to Christian.

The house was not very far. It was more of a cottage with wooden walls at the outside, the front yard was not well kept at all. It looked like a very ancient house.

Christian knocked at the door. A lady in her early fifties opened the door. She was rather frail looking. She didn't look healthy at all.

"Madam, we are from the Dallas investigation. We would like to ask you a few questions." Christian said showing his detective batch.

"Come in, come in." she said with low voice but it was welcoming.

"Thank you." Christian responded as we entered the house. It was clean but old.

"Would like tea? Chamomile." She asked.

"No that's alright." Christian replied.

"Please sit, I will get water for you kids." she said as she rushed into the kitchen. Christian and I looked at each other.

"Much appreciated." I said as she served us the water.

"Well, we came here in hopes of finding Adam." Christian told the lady.

"He no longer lives here, he shifted almost 2 years back."

"Oh, but could you tell us a little more about Adam?"

"Umm yeah sure. Well Adam and Kiara have been living with me from the age of ten when their parents died in a car crash." She said giving a small smile.

"Who is Kiara?" Christian asked.

"Kiara McCoy, she is Adam's twin sister. Aww! The bond they had. They loved each other a lot and took care of each other better than I could ever take theirs," lady said as her eyes watered.

"Where must Kiara be right now?" I asked.

"Oh, she and Adam left together." she said very sadly.

"Any particular reason why they left?" Christian asked.

"When he and Rose, I suppose, broke up, he was heartbroken. Kiara tried to help him a lot but he was just going more and more into depression. His academics were not going very good as well. They decided to leave Dallas. Kiara had to go with him." she said.

"How would you say they were as people?" Christian asked. I was very confused why he had this question.

"Oh, both of them very complete sweethearts, their parents taught them some good values. I was not economically very stable but they never complained. I miss them so much. The only time they ever got angry was when someone hurt their twin," she said.

"By any chance you have heard from them recently?" Christian asked.

"Yes, three months back, Adam joined the military, Kiara is continuing her studies."

"Do you have any photos of them?" I asked.

"I never found my way through electronics; they communicate with me only with letters. So, I have no photos of them, I am extremely sorry."

"Oh no, please you helped us a lot. Thank you so much for cooperation. We appreciate it a lot," Christian said getting up.

We walked out of the house and walked to the car.

"So, what do you think?" I asked Christian.

"I don't think they are connected to this murder case, but still, I would ask my agent to find at least some photos of them," Christian said.

"Yeah, it looks like they are way ahead of the breakup." I replied.

" I replied

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