My eyes gravitate right onto none other than the tall guy I've grown so accustomed to.

My feet slow to a stop as I meet his gaze under the red light from the bar he's leaning against yet no drink in his hand. A smirk curls upon his lips and he draws away from the bar and begins to slide his way through the crowd, past people to get to me.

His cologne instantly fills my nose with the hints of vanilla and tobacco drifting off him, his warmth radiating off of him.

My eyes drift up to remedy the height difference, dragging up his outfit.

His dark brown trousers that cuff with a white t-shirt with the word: 'sex' on it. His inked arms on full display under the red light as the light bounces off that insanely white shirt of his.

My lips curl up as I take in the usual gold cross resting over the simple t-shirt with his hands stuffed into his pockets. His curls rest messily at the top of his head as I finally meet the smirk on his face.

"Let's hear it," I tell him over the loud music, sighing with my tone of voice. We're enveloped by the people all around us dancing, yet holding the two of us in our own world. His eyebrows tug together as he breathes out a light laugh.

"Hear what?" His voice is like art itself, it's comforting.

"Tell me why I shouldn't fight?" I ask blandly and he snorts a little, making me furrow my eyebrows together as he hums.

He surprisingly grasps my dominant hand with the white stick in between my fingers. He takes my half-finished cigarette from me as I scoff a little and instead it's replaced with my lips parting a little in shock.

My throat closes a little, holding me in a position with the inability to produce words yet again. He slides a ring onto my dominant hand's middle finger, the bright red ruby matches the red light set in this place.

I lift my widened eyes to meet his. I'm surprised it even fit me if we're being honest.

He just wraps his lips around my cigarette, that stupid smirk of his curling upon his face as he leans down to my ear.

"Make 'em bleed, Ace." He mutters, watching the smoke drift from his lips.

He just smirks, creasing that dimple in his cheek and forcing my stomach to do somersaults. He leaves it at that, brushing past me to become engulfed by the sea of people, even that simple touch alone setting my skin ablaze.

I stare down at it on my finger, grazing my fingertips over it to make sure it's real, as I start walking again through the crowd. I swallow down my thoughts and I lift my head, my chin up with a sick smirk painted on my face and a new level of confidence pumping through my veins with the bass of this music.

I push past people and I find my friends at the edge of the ring. The dark ring untouched for the night as Jules exclaims in relief, huffing sharply to pull me closer to them with a tug on my wrist.

"Fuck- I thought you got murdered or something." She delusionally murmurs and I breathe out a laugh, shaking my head.

"They wouldn't kill me here where everyone can see." I counter and Lou laughs loudly, facepalming himself, as Jules' eyebrows tug together.

"That's your first thought?" She shakes her head.

I breathe out a snicker as I pull my hoodie off, throwing it into my duffle. I kick my shoes off with my socks. The ring lights up like clockwork, illuminating the deathtrap that awaits for all eyes to see.

I glance over my shoulder, hearing the music change and the people start crowding around with cheers. Bella walks out like always, her gaze drifting over to me with a soft smile gracing her pretty face, and I smile back.

killer instinct - || h.s. ||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum