Round 25. (English version.)

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Yaguchi, Hidaka and Daniel, unaware of the incident at the spa, walked around the ceremony with bright eyes, where they could rekindle their childish enthusiasm for the games. They didn't even know how to start having fun. Yaguchi then suddenly spotted the arcade machine of The House of The Dead 2, where he dragged his friends. Although Hidaka loved rail-shooter games just as the FPS genre, she preferred to let the two men try. They made it all the way to Hydra boss figt, in level 3, when, due to the vile and unexpected actions of boss, the two guys quickly got their brains riled up. After that, they saw the cabinet of Dance Dance Revolution. Hidaka asked Daniel to dance. Her partner bragged a little funny and frivolous about holding himself back against a girl, only to have a beautiful ten-out-of-ten fail on the first song, which called "Butterfly". Hidaka giggled at him and then a little provocatively started singing along with the second songt, called "Get Up!". Daniel stood up angrily and try to comeback. Having managed to land another Olympian like back flip to the bottom, viewers cried with laughter. He was just about to let it all go, but the last song, called "It only takes a minute.", which hidaka started to sing to motivate her boyfriend. Daniel stood up and try the make it real good and not fail again. At the end of the song, he was beginning to get the hang of it, but as he took a wider step, he tore his pants loud enough that Hidaka and Yaguchi exploded laughing and the crowd followed their example. After a quick pants change, they had time to try a few more games. Saniel did great in sega rally 2, where he beat everyone present, including Hidaka and Yaguchi in a row. In The Punisher game, the boys fought their way through the underworld and beat Kingpin without using another credit. Then Hidaka beat the boys with Jedah in Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire. Then Hidaka saw the Sega Bass Fishing arcade machine. She didn't know if she'd try it, but Daniel encouraged her. At first, it seemed kind of boring, and then when a virtual fish got hooked, she panicked like a blind virgin at the sausage fest. After the first unsuccessful attempt, Daniel decided to help her and encouraged the girl. While in front of his girlfriend, Daniel from behind helped hold the plastic fishing rod looking controller. A little later, they had their first big score, and they both went crazy. Then they looked each other in the eye and gave each other a smile to play another round together. Yaguchi smiled and watched them play an otherwise single player game. He thought he'd try it with his girlfriend sometime. But, he rather not, because the integrity of his bones is more important.

It was nearly five o'clock in the evening and the gamers from all over the country arrived at the Taito Hey Hall. In the stage, Lillith, Morrisons and Jago sat. Each of them played the friendly organizer quite a bit. But, there were surprises and not of the good kind. "Well, look what I found. A broken loser." The owner of the voice was Raptor. Yaguchi looked him right in his eye. He continued. "Don't look at me like that. You're the one who lost, before you fought me. I admit your lady-in-waiting saved the day, but your debauchery was inevitable." That's the moment, when Yaguchi noticed that his hated opponent had a racing card hanging around his neck "What are you doing here? As I recall, you can't lead a team because you managed to break not only the rules between gangs, but your team was also beaten and left to shame." "Well, the thing is, I'm playing for another team, and thanks to our leader's training, you and your pathetic team are gonna be dead on the first round. And now even your whore can save you from this fate." Before Yaguchi could answer or punch him into face, Chikuron reached them. "Raptor! Leave our contestant alone with your trash talk. We've got other things to deal with right now, otherwise, if we miss the briefing, we're gonna disqualified." The guy was dissatisfied though, but started to walk. Chikuron doesn't stop and look Yaguchi with respectful glare. "As for you, I'm waiting for our battle. So, don't lose any round." Then, he left. Yaguchi go to the hall for his team.

At exactly five o'clock in the evening, Lillith stood up and turned on the microphone. "Dear competitors! Tomorrow you can prove to your audience your experience and knowledge of video games along with your perseverance. In the first day of the tournament, you will be able to match your skills in four games. The first will be Puyo Puyo 3, where your goal is to play along against the AI, and collect the most points with a single coin. The second game will be Final Fight, where you have to get as far as possible with a single coin and pocket the most points. This should be done by two members per team and a deduction will be made if one of the team members is eliminated. The third will be King of Fighters'98 Slugfest, where, of course, your designated opponent must be defeated. The fourth and last will be Twinkle Star Sprites, where you must also defeat the designated opponent. The last two games will go for the multiplier. Winners double their points. The final event will start on Sunday, with only eight teams left. What's the game? That should be a surprise for now, but suffice it to say an SNK game will be on the menu!" The crowd cheered and applauded. Lillith waited for the ovation to cease and only then continued. "In the annex to the application form, there was a description of who was applying for what competition, and we will take it as official." Daniel remembered that. Namire play the Puyo Puyo, Hidaka play KoF' 98 Slugfest, Yaguchi and Oono plays Final Fight, and he plays Twinkle Star Sprites, and Makoto is play, when somebody can't. Lillith sat down and handed the microphone to Morrisons, who stood up and said. "I expect fair play from the team here, as well as hard willpower and perseverance." Daniel looked at his stepdad's face. That looked like pure excitement and joy. He didn't know where to put it. He's never seen him like this.

Then Lillith applauded, then waiters appeared and offered each team five glasses of champagne. When everyone took over, the three-stage members raised their glasses. "Let the Tournament begin!" Shout Lillith loudly as hundreds of glasses stumbled. So the toughest race for the road to freedom has begun for Daniel and his team. From now, the only thing that is important, their play style and trust each other. 

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