Once they got to first period, Clay left George and sat down, while George had no idea where to sit.

He went up to what seemed to be the teacher and tapped her shoulder,

"Hi, I'm new here and I don't know where I should sit."

"Welcome to our humble abode," She welcomed George in a sarcastically, funny way, "You can sit next to the boy in the beanie! Let me know if you need anything." She smiled at him. George gave a smile back and went to go sit with the kid he thought was "assholey".

He sat down, set his stuff down, and minded his own business, not excepting anyone to talk to him.

"Hey, new kid," George looked to where the voice was coming from, it was the beanie kid, "Uh, yeah?" George replied, "What's your name?" The boy asked,

"George." He replied simply, not wanting to start a conversation, "Oh cool. I'm Alex, some people call me Quackity though." George gave a fake smile and nodded acting as if he was interested,

"I'm gonna say you're my friend now," Alex stated directly, is he just forcing me to be his friend?-, "Sure, okay."

The class slowly started as everyone got settled in,

"Hello class, I'm Ms.Puffy for those that don't know, and this is coding class."

"Didn't we already all know who you were?" Alex joked, small giggles filled the room,

"Alex, I don't know if you quite noticed but, there's a new student, actually, he's sitting right next to you." The giggles grew louder,

"Ah shit, right."

"Language!" A voice from the back of the class shouted quietly. George looked back to see a boy wearing glasses with hair falling below his eyebrows, he sat next to a boy with hair that sat high, they seemed to be very good friends.

"Anyway, let's start class."

*Timepass 4 hours later*

The bell rang after fourth period finally ended. George checked his schedule to see it was finally lunch.

He tried his best to figure out where the cafeteria was from his class, but he just became more and more lost with every step he took. He looked around for anyone that could help him, the only person in sight was Alex.

He seemed to had just gotten out of the restroom. George hesitated but went and tapped on his shoulder,

"Look who it is!" Alex gazed at George like he was famous,

"Yeah, uh, can you bring me to the cafeteria, I'm lost." He gave an awkward chuckle,

"Yeah, of course, follow me!" George followed Alex to the cafeteria while Alex tried to exchange small talk with questions like,

"Where'd you come from?"

"How do you like it here so far?"

"Has anyone annoyed you here yet?"

George responded simply to all those questions besides the last, he could go on and on about that subject,

"Yeah, this dude Clay has been annoying me. When I first met him on the first day, he was nice at first, then he came a total bitch not even an hour later!"

Alex wasn't expecting that response from someone that's barely said twenty words since he got here. But he responded with what he knew about Clay,

"Yeah that man has major trust issues, he'll only ever talk to Karl. Ever since his last relationship, he cut everyone off except Karl. I mean, I wouldn't cut off Karl for anyone. I enjoy talking to him." A smug smile grew on his face as he kept talking, (/p)

"Oh, the trust issues part might explain a little." By the time George finished talking, they had reached the cafeteria. George thanked Alex and went off and found his table.

"Where have you been," questioned Sapnap, "You took like, twenty minutes!" George hadn't even sat down and he was already getting asked questions.

"God damn, let me sit down and eat before you bash me with questions." George realized he hadn't even had a lunch,

"You don't even have a lunch dumbass." George observed Clay loved making fun of no one, except George,

George ignored the rude boy and asked Sapnap what was for lunch, "I dunno, some mush. I'm not eating it." Sapnap replied disgustedly. George wasn't going to waste his energy to find out what lunch was but instead laid his hand on his cheek and peeked at Clay once in a while, wondering what his old relationship was like,

Clay noticed after George kept peeking, "Why are you staring?" He sounded offended. George was feeling bold so he asked confidently,

"How was your last relationship?"

**please read first section of a/n!**

hi hello hey, i'm able to write more bc of break and i've been rlly enjoying it. i'm thinking about making a disc server abt updates or just being able to talk to you guys. i love talking to u guys so if you guys want that, i'd be up to that idea! also i'm not sure if you guys find me asking for votes at the beginning of the chapter annoying, and if it is i'll stop!

anyways, have you ate and drink water today? if not please go do, you deserve it. and if you can't rn, that's fine, i'm still proud of you (: remember your never alone and i'm always by your side, and if u need someone to talk too, my dms are always open. don't be afraid to message me! <3 always know your loved and appreciated by many. just remember your absolutely valid and i love youu!<3

have a good rest of your day/night! <3

(please lmk if i forgot any TWs and don't be afraid to point out typos!)

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