It doesn't matter, if she thinks I'll back down and stay away from syrius, then my little sister is even dumber than I thought. She picked that despised waste over the loved and adored syrius?, She truly has no foresight. A light chuckle escaped her. I've been getting reports that amaryllis is changing, evolving into an epitome of beauty, grace and talent. I see now that those were just rumors. She is not a threat to me in any way.

After arriving at this conclusion, Collette excused herself from the table and returned to her palace. Lillian watched Collette leave, unhappy with what she just heard. Why?, Why does she have to get everything?. She anulled her engagement without any thought to ask mother about it and still she remains on her side. I
should be the first one to welcome a harem member. Every praise that comes out of mother's mouth should be directed to me! And me alone! That worthless piece of trash has no place stealing what belongs to me.

A sudden thought pushed its way into Lillian's mind and all her anger evaporated, she smiled, relaxed. She's going to learn her place very soon.

Amaryllis laughed to herself as she stared at the two recently vacated seats. Both her sisters had excused themselves in quick succession after hearing the news and she could only imagine what was going through their heads. They'll be even more surprised tomorrow when I show up to the S-class. Amaryllis turned to face her mother, " mother I have something to discuss with you, can we speak in private?".

Confused with her daughter's strange request, queen Cecille nodded " of course amaryllis let's go to my room, Alfred make sure my consorts are attended to". She dropped a quick kiss on Lionel's head before leaving. They made quick work of the stairs and arrived at her mother's room. After shutting the door and sinking into her plush white sofa , her mother asked " you wanted to speak to me?".

Amaryllis took a deep breath before starting" mother, I know this may not be my place to speak, but I have to ask, do you love your other consorts?" Mother sighed and  patted the space beside her gesturing for me to seat " amaryllis, your father is the only man I love. I had no intention of marrying any one else but my mother would not hear of it. She arranged  a political marriage between me and the son of our most powerful Duke and in essence forced me to marry dagarth."

" I was sad and angry and had no interest in working out my marriage with him. He never made any attempt either and so I assumed that was what he wanted. Carmon on the other hand was a slave I met  on my way back from the central region. I felt pity for him and brought him back to my palace. He offered to become one of my servants, I refused of course but he insisted and said he just wanted to repay me."

" I couldn't bear to return him back to the life I brought him out of and so I married him knowing he would at least be satisfied that he had repaid me." I sighed at her story. No wonder the other two men seemed so unhappy, neither had married for love and were now stuck in a loveless marriage. " Mother please give both men the same attention you give my father".

It wasn't easy for amaryllis to say this. She was essentially asking her mother to devote her time and energy to other men other than her father. She realized her request could possibly create a rift between her parents, but she was unreconciled with the state of her mother's other consorts.

" Amaryllis what are you saying?" Queen Cecille said coldly, did her daughter not realize the implication of her words?, She wanted her to try and bring  others into the lives she had created for herself and Lionel?.

" Hear me out mum, it's not the fault of either man that they're in this position. Of course, it wasn't fair of your mother to force you into marriage but have you never realized that maybe just maybe it was also  unfair to him? For all you know mother sir dagarth could have had someone he also wanted to be with  but was unable to and now he's stuck in a contract marriage for the rest of his life."

I continued softly " and what about sir Carmon?" I have no idea how to refer to him, I can't call his name plainly as that would be a sign of disrespect but I also can't just call him father so I'll settle on sir. " He's a slave you bought and offered to free but he refused. He also never asked to be married, it's a little unfair to him too. I'm not saying you should stop paying attention to father, all I'm saying is please  try to include all of them in whatever private moment you wish."

She laughed bitterly "I tried amaryllis I  really did try, after I became mature and ascended to the throne, I made efforts to bring us all closer but it was all for naught. They refused any and all personal invitations and only agreed to go with me whenever it was required. Carmon even refused to attend official functions. I know they were both unhappy but what was I to do? I got used to their refusal and slowly stopped inviting them."

I sighed. This was apparently going to be more complicated than I thought. " Perhaps mother, father may be able to get them used to spending time with him and then he can slowly integrate you in". Her eyes cleared when I mentioned father and she smiled, " Lionel can do whatever he sets his mind to amaryllis just like you". I smiled at the compliment. " Thank you mother, we'd best get back to dinner now".

We walked slowly back to the dining room and stopped before the slightly ajar doors. Quiet laughter flowed from inside and wine glasses clinked together. I slowly leaned in and peeped through the small space between the doors. Father seemed to be making conversation with sir Carmon and sir dagarth even though the latter seemed to be ignoring him.

Father wouldn't give up however and even though sir dagarth still refused to speak, he had at least taken the cup of champagne father handed out. I chuckled and stepped back revealing the scene to my mother. She seemed shocked and stood still, not moving until I gently nudged her " looks like, father has already started ".

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