"That didn't happen," I say and he leans forward, the edge of the table digging into his torso.

"Wanna know what I did when you left?" He smirks and I cringe, shaking my head instantly and we get cut off when I see Jenny walk up to us. Harry just leans back and I watch him rake his eyes up and down her body, producing an eye roll of even more annoyance from me. "Hi, Jenny." He says sweetly as I scoff under my breath, witnessing him smiling and her pale cheeks burn hot red.

"Hi." She giggles back with her strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail and my eyes go slightly wide as Harry just glances over at me, sipping on my coffee. "What- uh- what can I get you?" She asks and I nearly groaned.

"Fries ..." Harry asks, making my eyebrows knit together "And another of these, darling." He says, holding up my coffee and she nods as I glare at him.

"Rory?" Jenny asks and I drop the anger to him to look over at her, tugging a slight smile upon my face and shaking my head.

"M'alright, thank you," I say and she nods before walking away. I scoff as I look over at Harry as he sips on my coffee and his gaze fixed down at her ass. I kick his leg under the table and he jumps.

"Fucking hell–" he snaps and I put a fake smile on my face as he glares.

"You're disgusting," I state with the facade fading again and he shakes his head.

"Tell me how you know Kian ..." he tries and I scoff at him.

"Honestly? Are you that fucking dense–" I start but he cuts me off swiftly.

"I only tolerate so fucking much, watch it." He says sharply and my jaw clenches as I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"That's great, I'm still not telling you shit," I tell him and Jenny interrupts the heated tension and I exhale as he continues to squint his eyes in a pursed glare.

She slides the basket of fries onto the table and my stomach rumbles as the comforting smell drifts to my nose. She then sets the coffee down in front of him, his entire demeanor changing in front of my eyes as he softly smiles at her.

I scoff slightly under my breath and she walks away, his eyes go back to me and he sets my old coffee cup in front of me. I glare as he sips on the new one he got himself. Pushing the basket of fries closer to me, I knit my eyebrows together.

"Eat." He says and I shake my head in disbelief.

"You have no idea how fucking creepy you are ..." I mutter and he shrugs. I hesitantly lean over as he sips on the black coffee, reaching over to grab some. I take a few, biting into them as it satisfies my rumbling stomach and he smiles in success.

"Will you just answer the fucking question?" He asks me in a fake sigh. I shake my head at him and it becomes a standstill between us, like a stare down under the dim diner light.

"You're the one that sat down at my booth, you don't get to ask questions." I snap at him and he rolls his eyes dramatically, so fucking full of himself.

"Stubborn–" he starts and I stop him before he says something he's going to regret again.

"I wouldn't finish that," I say to him coldly and he scoffs harshly.

"What's it going to take, Ace?" He tries and my mind reels with so many ideas as his head tilts slightly while awaiting my response. My eyebrows knit together as I look at him like he's insane at that goddamn nickname again. I lick the salty grease off my lips, seeing his eyes glance down to my lips and I scoff at his action.

"Stop following me," I tell him simply and he shakes his head.

"Can't do that," he chimes as if someone's forcing him to and I stare back at him.

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